
Friday, March 15, 2013

And So It Starts.

I know that this will come as a surprise but Charli is a cowgirl. Or well at this point she is dreaming of being a cowgirl. We see her ride stick horses up and down the house, back and forth every single day. The amount of stick horses and stuffed horses in my home is almost overboard. But we encourage her to dream and to use her imagination.

She attends Girl Scouts and Cloverbuds each month with softball starting soon. After some major discussions we have decided to sign her up for the Kentucky Jr. Rodeo Association. They are in mid-season at this point, so it will be later in the year. Not to mention, until she gets a horse she will only be able to do mutton bustin' (riding a sheep) and dummy ropin'. When we first talked to her about it she was over the top and we had to take breaks to chill her excitement. Which in return has made Curtis just as excited. He dreams of the rodeo life again too.

So to increase the excitement and practice even more, Curtis surprised Charli with her first rope last night. She was ecstatic and loved the color too! They are already planning a training session this weekend while it is warm.

We have not decided on a horse, yet. But my future of being a rodeo Mom is looking pretty bright these days.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I wish you lived closer. I have the perfect horse for her!


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loves & hugs