
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Never Ending Birthday Gift.

Most little girls ask for dolls or technology for their birthday. But Charli isn't just a girl. She's an animal lover and a wanna be rancher. So when she asked for chickens for her birthday we weren't overly surprised. At first we thought, she wanted chicks and we quickly turned the idea down because of the amount of time takes to care for them. We then quickly realized that she wanted hens that were already laying eggs or would be soon.

So, after much discussion, library books being checked out and 500 pins later we grasped the idea that it could be done. I've never been around a chicken in my life and honestly the thought of being pecked didn't sound favorable. But I'm all for new adventures of the farm life, so I became just as excited as Charli Beth. 

We attended our first Mennonite auction in our hometown, and to say we loved it would be an understatement. Even the knee high mud was fun for a while. The amount of turkeys, ducks, chickens, bunnies and other small animals simply blew our minds. We decided not too purchase anything that day and to buy from a couple that we had recently met. But I can say we will make this auctions. yearly trip with my parents. 

The upcoming week was Spring Break. It was the perfect opportunity to work on our coop with Meme and Papaw. On Charli's birthday while we were out celebrating they put the nesting boxes in. I'm pretty certain that my Father in law doesn't give himself enough credit for his handy man skills. 

Later in the week, we added in a roosting pole, bedding, and put dust baths out. 

Charli learned to use a hammer that day while building another dust bath. I truly love the memories that we gather in family projects like these. This gift will be one that she never forgets for many reasons. 

When the time came to picking out hens Charli had her heart set on Rhode Island Reds. We figured that a total of four chickens would be sufficent for her responsibility, so Charli picked out two Rhode Islands. She then discovered the cool blue eggs that Amerucana chickens lay and decided to go wth two of them. My Mothr in law picked 4 Buff Orpingtons. 

Our girls bundled up together and all road home in the back of the truck. The driver of the truck who just so happens to be afarid of birds, didn't go over 15 mph. Which made us all giggle! We put the girls to bed and when we went to feed the next day, they all seemed to be enjoying their new home. 


By the time for Charli Beth's birthday party that afternoon, we had our first three eggs. Charli and I were so excited to use them for decoration. But we were all in amazement over the size of the egg!s!

As you can see the egg on the left was absolutely huge! It was my first double yolk and I may have even danced throughout the house in excitement.

Charli Beth is absolutely loving her responsibility of feeding and tending to the ladies. They have been SO much fun for all of us. Seeing the joy and listening to the kids talk about them, makes this one of the best gifts ever. We couldn't ask for a better way to teach responsibility, commitment and love for animals. Of course who wouldn't love a gift that never stops giving? 

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