
Monday, September 22, 2008

It's 4:29am and I'm at work for now well my 8th day in a row and coming back in 3-11 this afternoon. Woohoo for that money =) haha! Anyways, just thought I would give you all something to laugh about for the day. Charli brought Mom and I a bottle of bubbles yesterday afternoon while we were in the living room talking. Of course I didnt want "bubbly juice" all over the couch so I acted like I couldnt get the bottle open! So she went back and forth to Mom and I trying to show us how to open the bottle up. Saying "do it like this.....*ahhh*" trying her little heart out, and turning blood red in the face. Well, mom eventually told her that we just couldnt do it for her. She told us "hang on a minute" on her knees, put her hands together, knelt her head to floor and started talking. Then said amen. We asked what she was doing and she said "i pray. Now open bottle" hahaha! Love that little girls heart. You never know the next thing that is going to come out of her mouth of what she is going to do next. I believe this one of the moments where I thank God that I have her in my life and how beautiful, smart and talatened she already is! I can already see that going on vacation next month is going to be blast with her. This week Charli Beth and I are going back to Richmond for a night to go to a Police Academy Graduation. She loves being "Charli deputy" so I'm sure I will have plenty of pictures to show for her time we spend up there.

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