Monday, December 22, 2008
When the holidays roll around I have tend to notice, things get a little crazy in our little southern town. In January I will have been with SPD for a year, so this is my first time getting a first hand view at all. Thanksgiving I had back to back calls of domestics involving shotguns, knives, etc. Already with Christmas it seems that people are just depressed & wanting to take their own lives. Maybe its the way that the economy is? I have no idea. But what a sad time it seems to be for people. When you think of Christmas, you usually think of happy family gathering (just like Thanksgiving) but I pray for these people and mostly their families. Recently I have been dealing with a family that a member has tried to take their own life in a horrible way. This family does not have any money, transportation or the health to drive to the hospital where this subject is now located.( A lot of people probably wouldnt think this is heroic but I most certainly did) While talking about this on the radio...out listening in scanner land one of the constables Mr. Farris heard the problem and came to the rescue as you could say! Farris went and picked up the members of this family and took them to the hospital which is located over an hour away (may I include this was at 1 in the morning). He also bought them supper and gave him all the money that he had on him. I get so tired of reading things that people in our community write on that horrible site TOPIX.COM. Shame on the people that created this site. It seems that in every community Law Enforcement and City officals are picked on most, or maybe this just stand out to me since "these are my people." lol. Does anyone ever take in consideration the good things that people who work in Law Enforcement do? Our F.O.P (faternal Order of Police) sponsored to way over 200 childern/families with Christmas toys this year! That is GREAT! I have been reading a lot about shop w/a cop in bigger cities which is a great idea! I am very proud of our Guys for doing a lot of hard work to get these families the toys and not to mention the citizen of our county and others that have donated these toys. All in all I wish that a lot of people would realize the good that people do that are behind the badges.
You are right, it never hurts to consider will make you a better person.