
Thursday, January 15, 2009



Love is something that doesn't come easy...esp. love from me. I am not one of those girls to fall head over heels reach for the moon & stars in love with anyone. But this little girl changed me life. She is the reason for everything to me. I am in love with life becaue of her. I love teaching her and watching her grow.

In the beginning of my pregnancy with Charli Beth, I was scared to high Heavens. But I knew that she would change my life forever, and this she did. I work my life away, to give her all that I can. I have let people go and brought people into my life, for her. I live this life I live for her and the Lord above. She is truly an amazing gift, there is nothing more that I could ask for.

There is nothing more amazing than family. I could not have made it through the year of struggling with being pregnant with Charli and becoming a Mommy to her without them. I honestly still couldn't make it. They are my back bone in so many ways. Friends are few and far to come by, but I also have a couple that are close to my heart. My Mother and sister being two of them. When we didnt have anyone else, we had each other {this is still true}. My Mom and I have became so much closer whenever I became pregnant with Charli Beth. She was there and put up with more than anyone else in my life. I wouldn't have made it without her support and most of all her unconditional love. My sister and I are totally opposite from one another, and can go a week without speaking but pick up like we never left off. She is my other half pretty much.The other is Krystina {aka. kiki}. We went to school,graduated, and were pregnant together we even gave birth a week apart. She sat in bed with me on the long days of my bed rest, and was there throughout my labor. Even though it scared her to pieces, she was there for support! Before bed rest, we ate mexican almost every day together. Shopped together and got fatter together! Our little girls have even became best friends along the way too. They will grow together just as her and I have grew together as Mothers. I cannot wait to see the friends that Charli Beth makes over the years and what she will grow to become. I'm so excited for the future today and so thankful for my yesterdays, for they have made me into who I am.


My Sister, me, and Mom

Krystina & I preggo

Charli Beth 1 week & Kaylen 4 days..their 1st easter

Charli & Kaylen {these days} being silly, trying to act like they're sleeping

I'm not sure if this was a thousand word, but probably not...I tried though =)


  1. I am so thankful that God blessed you with Charli Beth...he knew exactly what you needed in your life and at the right time. There's nothing better than seeing the two of you having fun together and the love I see in both of you. I am so proud of the wonderful, loving momma that you are and I love you more than any words can say.

  2. oh, forgot to say....
    Love, momma

  3. This almost made me cry!! I can relate sooo much to what you're saying about how much that one little bitty person can change your entire world and existance!! Nothing like being a Mama!! I love ya!

  4. Love the look of your blog. I just found aquapoppydesigns and got my free background to work. I was so excited to do it myself and I am just looking at what others could do! Love them all! Also, your baby is adorable and so are you! I am proud of you for being such a good mom! Carol

  5. awww, that was so, so sweet, Paige! :)

  6. okay, in a thousand words or less you are making me cry!!!! :) But in a good way. I think you and Krystina are both amazing moms and I am glad that you all have had each other to lean on. Nothing is better than a good friend, and lord knows they are few and far between!

    I left you an award over at my blog. Go check it out! :)

  7. Aww this was so precious! You never know what love truley is until you have your own precious gift from God! God Bless! :) Sorry this is a little late I wasn't on line much this weekend! :)


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs