
Friday, January 23, 2009

Okay, first off all who watched last nights show? Did you see where the hick guy told the judges to "be careful"? I'm not sure about you all but we say be careful to just about anyone and everyone that is leaving where we are, someone we are hanging up the phone with or, or whatever. The judges actually thought that this man was threatening them, because he said this. You could see the look on his face that he was very confused ( and hurt that he did not make it to Hollywood) to why they were going off on him for saying the simple phrase as a nice jester of "be careful traveling." I never realized how pathetic Paula is, I guess. Her and Simon were the ones to make the biggest deal of this matter by returning at him with "is that a threat?" and "you don't just tell people to be careful!" ...What! I guess if you come to my town you would be signing a lot of Terroristic Threatening warrants or something. Ah, this just blew my mind, I don't think I will ever watch this show again with them same attitude. My mom and I have an ongoing joke now, of saying "Be careful" and then "ARE YOU THREATENING ME?"
{Please lady, not everyone is from big time Hollywood. Some of us Kentucky country folks know how to be
polite and have manners to people that are even rude and in considerate}
But by the way, there were several cuties from Kentucky! Yea, buddy! I'm very excited to see them again. There was a girl that I deff. thought that should not have made it only because of her past of living in LA, and I believe they said she had a record deal at one time? She was one of the first girls, and had long black hair...cute girl. She had a great
voice, but shouldn't this show be about people that a trying to make their "first time career" ... okay enough American Idol.

Anyways, I have started reading, "The Last Lecture" today since I had the day off and I've been wanting to read this for probably a year now. I really like it and cannot wait to get into more of it, tonight while I am here at work. I also watched my favorite show of ALL TIMES (aka GREYS ANATOMY!). Who would of thought it? I just cannot get enough of Izzie Stephens, and I really could care less about Denny..but man he got SO much hotter since he has been dead. *creepy I know*Yes, I admit it I think she is down right beautiful and who knows if she is anything like she is on greys, but i hope so.. lol. I hated tonight whenever Denny was telling or trying to get the hint out to her that she is sick. If she leaves this show, I might as well give it up now. I do NOT cry at t.v. shows, (although tonight I almost did) but I will bawl my little achy breaky heart out if she leaves! Grey's Anatomy will be forever changed, if they take her away.

...Once again, I need to lay off the T.V. and find a life out there. I seen that Ivana was playing a game so I thought I would try it out also and I believe that some of my other blogger friends have been playing along with different people! I guess you can say she challenged anyone who wanted, to leave a comment on her blog and she would assign you a random letter of the alphabet and you would then have to take this letter and blog ten things that start with this letter that you love/like. So if you want to join in then leave me a comment letting me know! Guess what mine is!!
1. Christ - First and for most Christ has to be my number one. I have so many blessings that he has given me in my life, that I deff. may not have deserved. I fail him so many times, and still do but I know the one that saved my soul and made me into the Mom and woman that I am today.
2. Children -(aka; Charli Beth) you guessed it! Everyone knows this little gal is my life, heart, and everything else that contains a piece of me. I love her, the Lord, and my dear Momma more than anything in the world. I do want more children someday and I know Charli would just love to be a big sister someday too but we must wait =) lol
3. Church - I love taking Charli to church on Sundays and whenever else that I can attend with her. Even though she tends to "act out" the times that I am able to take her, it still blesses my hear to be there with her while she is learning about Christ and all of the wonderful blessings of life he has gave us. There is nothing better than a kiss from Charli and a great church service at Brother Danny's church.
4. Country Cookin'- Oh yea, I'm a BIG lover of some food. Esp that southern down right homemade food. Ex : chicken friend, mashed potato, carrots, cornbread, pintos, ahhh.. I could go on but is there any reason too?
5. Charles - Yes, I know it's almost the same as number 2. But this is my Papaw that Charli Beth is named after. He passed away whenever I was only a toddler myself, but the love that he had for my sister, Mother and I is very ever lasting. I wont go into the past my Mother has with her family but I can say that he is the one that helped her in so many ways and loved her no matter what. I wish in so many ways that all of us would of had more time with him but I know we will meet him in Heaven one day. "I want to stroll over Heaven with you"
6. Criminals - No people, I do not love or even like criminals..but hey they are my job security, right?
7. Cappuccino - French Vanilla, please! I love this stuff since it gives my boost of energy for those cold late nights that I have to work 3rd shift. No, I do not like coffee in any form or fashion.
8. Carmel Apples- I am a huge fall lover. I love heading out to the pumpkin a mum patches, Jackson's Orchard, Gatlinburg. The smell of fall and nothing can remind you of fall better than a Carmel apple. Even though they make you a stick mess, I just love a Granny Smith apple covered all up in Carmel.
9. Clothes - baby clothes to be exact. I honestly cannot stand shopping unless it has to do with baby clothes or a new pair of shoes. I love buying things for Charli Beth, but with me I am so picky because...well lets admit it I have a funny body shape!
10. Cabins - I wish, pray, hope, and dream to own a log cabin on a horse farm one day. (that was a secret but I'll let you guys in on it, just because I love you all!) They are the most beautiful houses, besides an old white farm house that I want for my FIRST house. lol. I'm very needy aren't I?

Oh, don't forget that Lil' Booger Bows is having that lovely give away that will end well now today the 23rd! Go buy and check her out, even if you don't need the bows right now! Be sure to let her know that I sent you over =) Thanks guys! Well, I'm going to get to reading so maybe I can finish up while working 3rd tomorrow night!

I have no idea what is going on with my fonts on some of my blog entries. I've tried fixing them but it will show up right in my edits, but now on the blog page itself. Sorry!


  1. I have AI recorded but haven't watched it yet. I can't stand Paula. I say 'be careful' to people all the time too!

  2. Just came by to say Hi. Love your blog!

  3. Love your list!

    I thought the same thing when I watched AI last week. I am always say "be careful" I picked it up from Brandie after I moved here. So I guess it is somewhat of a southern thing. But gosh, them acting so mean to him about it made me feel so sorry for him. You could tell he was embarassed enough as it was. Poor guy! It made me look at Paula in a totally different way. BOO!!!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs