
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday / Update / etc.

Wordless Wednesday Picture


This is from my old church, I took while waiting for Charli to get out of Vacation Bible School this past summer. The clouds seemed to be perfect and I thought it was a great opportunity to snap a photo.

I have been tagged by Serious Shopaholic for another lovely game! The rules are simple... you list six things that make you smile, post the rules and then tag six other bloggers to do the same. So here we go!

1. Charli Beth. I shouln't have to explain this one.
2. Baking. I actually bought 4 cakes at the store last night, to bake cupcakes with Charli. We always have the best time when we are baking.
3.The Lighthouse Restraunt. My favorite place to eat in the world. It's in Sulphur Wells, KY and if you are ever even a hint of close to this place I recommened you to go. The best country ham, stewed potatoes, beans, tomatoes, and all that you will ever put in your mouth. Take my word for it, I am a food expert ladies.
4. Working out. Nothing feels better than the feeling that I am almost right at my before baby weight and getting back into shape.
5. Snuggie Time. I absouletely love "ah snuggie" time with Charli Beth at night when I've had an awful night. I only have a twin size bed because all of my primitive cabinets and tables in my room so I'm usually always knocked off the bed or falling off but while we are falling asleep it's perfect. Not to mention "cuddling" with someone you care about while watching a movie, is always perfect.
6. Crushing. Whenever you still have that "new" crush and every little thing someone does to you makes you blush and smile. The butterflies you get in your belly are just so darn cute.

The Lawhorn Family / Kim
Babies, Big Sister and Bumps in the Road
Small Fish in a Big Pond
Kentucky Mama
Noe Noe girl...A queen of all trades
Divine Little Moments

I am so sorry if you seen my tag comment on your post and then nothing in my blog where I tagged you. Just as I started to post this the internet went down in our county because of the rain/wind and I lost more than half of my post. Just my luck, huh? lol. It's been kind of a hard week for me at work and in life general, but I'm getting right through it and passed the fuss of it all. Monday night at work, I had several people "trying to die on me" as my facebook status said all night. I maybe dispatch out 3 ambulance runs a night, and Monday I was doing them two at time. Which was very strange, we wouldn't have anything then landline would ring and ten seconds later 911 would ring. I was cussed my a lady that called for her Mother on chest pains, (she lady lives in complete God's country) and called me back mad because they hadn't got there in 3 minutes. I calmly explained to her that it had only been 3 minutes with saying hunny after each sentence to just try to calm her. Well it didn't work, and she hung up on me. Lucikly the ambulance got there as they were leaving there house. I wish people understood just as we understand how panic you are, that we cannot snap our fingers and have them as soon as you call. Trust me, it doesn't work that way.

I went to the grocery last night and bought 4 boxes of cake mix. Yea, so much for that working out and 8 pounds I have lost. haha! I just have so much fun watching Charli Beth bake. But heck, the mixes were 4 for $5. I just had to get them! Mom laughs at me because everytime I go to a store and something is 2 for 5 or whatever, I HAVE to get it. Do you ladies do this or am I just a freak? I plan on going to Walmart tomorrow night after class to get Valentine supplies for our cuppycakes. Maybe we'll invite Charli's friend Kaylen over to help out? I'm sure I'll post pictures either way.



  1. oh my gosh... I am the SAME WAY at the grocery store. if I see 2 for $5 or whatever, I buy it. I'm such a sucker. hahaha :) so it's not just you.

  2. Funny I'm the Queeen of sales! You are not alone! Have fun baking~wish I was more of a Betty Crocker~I only have moments and then it quickly vanishes!
    I love that church steeple! I was thinking I would write a book on them one day. Hmm we'll see!
    Love ya chickie =)

  3. ha,ha,I haven't reached that obsession just yet, but I probably will soon! Hope your cupcakes turn out! :)

  4. i love the church steeple! thanks for tagging me. i'll post this over the weekend probably

  5. As you know by now, I LOVE lists!! haha I will do this asap so keep your eyes open!!!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs