
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Giveaway!! [foster family]

The Foster Family; I came across this adorable blog from Lea Liz's wishful wedneday list the other night (I also did a my own list). She is the blessed Mommy of beautiful twin girls and is also a single Mommy! (yay for Single Mommy's and esp. of twins **big props on that!!) She is having a give away hosted by:

The item that she is giving away are adorable little boy or girl gummie dolls w/ the fabric of your choice. I must add that they are adorable, and perfect if you have an infant. I did enter this contest because charli girl would l-o-v-e a doll with the little tags. She loves anything that can give her a new adventure or anything that is just simply a doll. They would be perfect for infant tummy time or car rides! You can click on the graphic to go to Southern Sews Etsy store to look at her dolls and burp cloths or click the Foster Family to go to her blog to enter into her contest! Good luck ladies =)

Thankful Thursday: I have ten minutes to get this posted before it turns into Fabulous Friday! (lol) I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off all day looking for the perfect present for Pa's birthday...let's just say I am a horrible gift giver!

* Charli Beth's health/my entire families health

* The love that surrounds my family and how close we are

* That even if it's not exactly what I am looking for some days, I have a job that pays well, and will lead my life to wonderful places (I prayyyy)

* That there is finally an amazing man in our lives. (Three to be exact counting the Lord and Pa)

* That my life is exactly where it needs to be. I'm so content and happy with everything.


  1. Whos the third amazing man?

  2. Good luck with the giveaway! Hope you win it! Also, good luck with finding a gift for your Pa. I have the worst time purchasing gifts for the men in my life! It is so much easier to shop for girls!

    I am happy for you that so many wonderful things are going on in your life right now. I hope it only continues to do so!

  3. Oh yes tell us about this new man!! Yay for you girl =)
    with...Nichel Lynn I Love the last one best!!

  4. I am the same way about gifts for men. My mom is easy but the men are not. I am glad things are going so well for you.

    I make my blog headers at or

  5. I have been enjoying your recent blogs,you always say something that touches my heart. I'd also like to tell you congrats again on your EMT test!! Last but not least I like your mention of the "3" amazing men in your life...I admire you for being careful with your and Charli Beth's heart...
    Also, proud of you for letting go and finally letting someone get close to you.
    So, I suppose he's more than a prospect now :-) lol.
    Love ya, Momma


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs