
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy "Pa" Day!

This day around our house is probably different than most, but we celebrate Pa with Charli. Pa is my Step Father, that is more of a Father than I could have ever asked for or Grandpa for Charli Beth. We never give him the amount of credit that is due for all the hard work and love that he gives to us, but I hope that he knows in the long run how much love that I do have for him. This is something that I promise to change in our relationship in a family. I want everyone of them to know how much Char and I love them each time we leave their presence ( just like Juliana has talked before in her blog). Charli is by far is favorite girl, and she knows that she is "Pa's girl." Her face lights up whenever he comes into a room, and she loves most of all seeing that big green semi pull into the driveway!

We had a cookout last night to celebrate the day with friends and family. Can you believe I didn't take any pictures? Yea, I know that is not like me at all. I figured that I better chill for just a few mins and take in the moments of happiness with my family instead of standing behind my little Kodak. We had a great night spending time together until my little one started getting sick. Here in Kentucky it gets horribly humid (yes, I know it could be so much worse too), so I wasn't able to tell that she had a temperature until we went inside. I figured the humidity and food mixture was what got her stomach upset, but I was sadly wrong. She ran a temp through the night and slept until almost ten this morning (which is strange for her sleeping habits now). She wasn't warm or any other until after we left church, then she started getting sick again. I hope that this clears up and she doesn't have a virus that will set in for to long. I'll probably be taking her to the doctor in the morning, because I can't imagine how she feels with how hot it has been and not feeling well a the same time. Better to be safe than sorry later huh?

Thank you for the comments on your favorite books and where I can go to get the amazing reviews. I haven't had the time to start looking for one just yet, but I will let you all in on whatever I decide on!


  1. I hope Charli feels better soon. I have a step-dad that is the same way. Hunter and Tucker love their baddy and Alan loves his boys. I couldn't ask for anyone to be any better to my boys. It is amazing to see how a child can make a grown man do anything and act like a child again.

    I love your new header. Did you make it?

  2. I hope she get's to feeling better soon. What a sweet post.

  3. Poor baby! I hope she gets to feeling better soon!

  4. I have been a bad blog reader lately! LOL! I just have a lot going on, I am sure you know the feeling! But I had to leave a comment cause I loved this post! My dad has never been around, so this post really touched home for me. My uncles were like father figures in my life, so I truly believe that you can celebrate any special guy on father's day! :) The pic you put up is too cute, too!

  5. What a sweet picture of Charli Beth and her Pa! I really hope that she starts to feel better soon and that it doesn't get too serious!

    By the way, I love the new blog look!

  6. I am so sorry she was sick..Happy Birthday to your Pa!!!


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loves & hugs