
Monday, July 27, 2009

Last of the VBS pictures, NOT ME's

I thought I would join in on the fun too...

These are the pictures from Charli's bible school program last night! Thank so much to Nana for taking the pictures for me again! Notice how big her shirt is? Poor kiddo! haha. But she sure does look adorable in it!

& the Not Me's...
I did not just tell EMS that a lady's stomach was on fire and she felt like she was going to pass out then quickly correct myself and tell them she really wasn't on fire, she just felt like it. EMS did not call me to make fun of me and tell me I should probably send a fire department to her. I did not spend to much money once again on my daughter, because she does not have to many clothes as it is! I did not forget to buckle Charli up after her jumping in the car while I checked on her tomatoes! She quickly reminded me though, what a good girl she is for that! I did not just want to tell this person to stop calling the police department just because you used to work here and want to talk to the guys. Because I could really not care less. I am not fixing to go home, change, and go to the track to run because I did not just possibly put in for the job of my life. Nope not this girl.

Here are all of the kids singing and doing the dance moves to "Jesus lifts me up when I get down ..get down" I love this dance, and plan to video tape Charli Beth singing it!

This is her teacher Regina, giving out her awards and art projects!

I'm glad that all of the children had such a great time this past week!


  1. You are so funny. Everyone gets tounge tangled everyone in awhile.
    These pictures are so cute but when you have a cute girl in them it is hard for them not be good.

    Good Luck on the job. Is it at home?

  2. Thank you! She is such a mess!
    Yea, it is at home and I'm more than likely won't be getting it for a long time. LOL, but I put in and that is what matters!

  3. You never know until you try and you may be surprised.

  4. I didn't comment on all of your post but did read them! I love the pictures, & glad Charli girl had fun at VBS! The dress is too cute!

  5. I love the pics of Charlie. So cute. Her t-shirt is adorable.

  6. "I did not just tell EMS that a lady's stomach was on fire and she felt like she was going to pass out then quickly correct myself and tell them she really wasn't on fire, she just felt like it." This was to funny i just happen to be at the tobacco store when I heard this come across the scanner and laughed so hard.

  7. LOVE the picture of Charli at the beach. VERY pretty! That shirt looked so cute on her even if it did swallow her right up!

  8. Your daughter is so cute. Our church did the same theme for our VBS. It was so much fun!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I love meeting new blogging buddies.

  9. Aw Paige, how cute is she in that big VBS shirt! Love it!

    I laughed about the stomach on fire, how funny.

    Hope you're doing great and not working TOO hard!

  10. I love me some NOT MEs! Might have to try that some time! Your Charli girl is soooooo cute!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs