
Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 is worse than 2.

As you can tell I am the happy Mother of a drama queen of a three year old that never does any wrong. I always thought that people talked like two year old stage was something awful and all terrible...all while I truly believe they have forgot about the sassy pants attitude and the "want to push you Momma as far as you can" threes. Oh boy...I just cannot wait until the teenage years.

I'm sure that some of you know exactly what I am talking about. But we know hope this is just a stage and we'll be seeing better days soon.

Also, I wanted to let you Momma's know about the Tylenol recall. Just click the link and it should take you from there. I've printed out the list to check out the medicines that we have at home. It says that there is not harmful products just some ingredients that were not suppose to be used. I'm not sure what that means but as long as no one is harmed that what matters.

Speaking of medicines, I've always given Charli Beth her vaccines and will plan to if I have anymore children. She did not get the flu shot last year because I didn't think that it was something that she exactly needed. Although, this year her and I both received the flu shot. (btw, whenever I told Charli we were going to get them together, she told me that she hoped I would cry really hard! Not nice young lady!?) I do not plan to give her the swine flu vaccine and yes, a lot of people DO look at me very crazy for this but he is my reason why:

What do you all think about this video?


  1. ahhhhh...I remember the 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and the list goes on and on...the tween years are a real hoot! haha!!!

  2. Girl, me and Dustin were just talking the other day about how much of a breeze the two's are and would like to know why it isn't the terrible three's instead. I don't know where this attitude come from! I think our girls would get along great!!!

    I TOTALLY agree with you about the swine flu vaccine. Autumn and myself will both receive the regular flu shot but the swine one is just WAY too new!

  3. I've enjoyed your post the past few days just didn't comment.Anyway I so know what you mean,4's are not a bed of roses either.I fear the teenage yrs lol.

  4. Landon just turned one and already has a temper so I am not looking foward to two and three. I agree with you about the swine flu vaccine.

  5. Wow, Miss Charli has attitide does she... :)
    But she's so dang cute, I know that doesn't fix the tude. She's a girl thats for sure.

    This whole vaccine thing freaks me out. I'm panicky about the flu this year. I'm terrified of my son getting anything.

  6. I LOVE the new picture of C on the top of your blog...incredible.

    All the moms in my mom group are fighting about the swine flu. That was a very interesting news clip! I am still getting the shot though...with my health and being a survivor my chances of getting very sick or dying from the flu or anything like that are not good....but it is very scary and new

  7. Well I haven't reached that point yet, but I could just imagine what them "2's & 3's" will be like!

    She's a sassy one alright! Ha!


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loves & hugs