
Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am having a horrible experince with an Etsy seller right now so I thought that while I was bored at work, I would remind myself all of the many reasons of why I do love etsy! I just hate it whenever sellers think there is no need to have "good communication" with their buyers.

1. Big adorable bows like this...

2. Any of the cards or stationery from this seller. She is truly incredible. I ordered these baby shower invites for my friend Nikki and they were so adorable. I've always just won a giveaway for her blog! yay!

2. Knot dresses, I t-totally dispise pillow case dresses but these little numbers are so cute and precious! Not to mention you could just slip a long sleeve shirt under them for the fall or early spring!

Via Sarahrose3's shop

3.I would soo be ordering this for my little superhero if they had any girl shirts left.

I am also thinking about having a giveaway in honor of Miss Priss' 4th birthday! I will give ya'll more info on it this week!


  1. I don't have a PayPal and I think that might actually be a good thing. If I did, I'd be in BIG trouble!

  2. I love Etsy too. So far (knock on wood) I have not had any trouble with the sellers on there.

  3. Sorry to hear your having a bad experience with Etsy right now. I love Etsy also but have wondered if there were ever issues how would you resolve it? I hope things get worked out because your right. Its such a fun store.

  4. So cute! I have never shopped there but will have to check it out one day. I cannot believer her B-day is right around the corner! C-R-A-Z-Y!

  5. Yes, I love etsy too.. it is an addiction, thanks for reminding me!!

  6. luciana would have nothing girly if i didn't shop etsy! haha! ;)
    i recently discovered the knot dresses and will have to order some soon, very cute. infact we have that same AB fabric in a pillowcase dress. sorry you don't like them, we have so many for spring and summer. i think i just adore the ribbons at the shoulders.


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loves & hugs