
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not so wordless Wednesday

I finally finished "At First Sight" by Nicholas Sparks the other night and let me just say that it was has been by far my least favorite Nicholas Sparks book. One of the reviews says that it will make you "laugh and cry with such a happy ending" ...What? None of these happened for me and it was such a sad ending!

I set there feeling bad for the poor man and all that he had to go through. There was a few to many twist in this book. We all have our opinions though!

Next up is The Guardian, and I'm pretty excited about reading it!

Have you heard about this ?
I honestly think it is a bunch of crap.
Are we not the country of Freedom of Speech?
So the guy is full of anger, stress and frustration, should that not be expected from the man that is U.S. commander of the war in Afghanistan! I would think so, especially since our wonderful leader has been saying from the start that he is going to bring our troops home {one of many reasons he should be upset.} But look where they are? I do however understand that "talking the talk" and opening your mouth a little to much sometimes can get you in a serious amount of trouble, but once again freedom of speech and slander are two totally different things. This man can get upset about a few harsh words but cannot get upset that BP has ruined so many lives and the oceans.This man really sets me on fire like no other.

And a picture for my NOT so wordless Wednesday:

Charli did this to her Pa while he was napping the other day!
Bahahaha =)
Thats my girl!



    That picture is priceless!

  2. It's pretty sad how he replaced the commander over words he said. Freedom of speech isn't really free anymore, nothing is really free anymore. I thought we were "The land of the free, and the home of the brave" but I guess we aren't any more. My mom had talked to MANY vets from this war and past ones, and everyone said they want to go back over, and not be brought home. If B.ig M.istake A.merica(Obama) gets rid of the military, we are sitting ducks waiting to be taken over.

  3. so do you always read love stories or romance novels? Everyone is telling me to read his books and I am not sure about them. I am so into vampries right now I can't stop reading books in that area and they have all been great.

  4. PS I love what lizzy said.. ONE BIG ASS MISTAKE AMERICA!!! ;)

  5. Your little tiny is jsut so cute! I thinkI already told you this but i can't remember... I LOVE the pic of her with her pink paci!

  6. I haven't read that one, but I'm on "love song". Its sweet but definitely not my favorite Nicholas Sparks book. You might like "the rescue". It was a long time ago that I read it but I remember liking it.

    That last pic is awesome. Charli is so funny :)

  7. great pic! priceless....and out of all of Nicolas Sparks...that one wasnt my fave took me a long time to get into it...and then I was also a little let down by the ending....but then again...not all of my posts are always the best


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