
Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear CB

Charli Beth,

I cannot believe in a few hours I will be waking you to brush your teeth, dress you and fix you hair then will be walking you into your school. You will be attending this school for the next several years. I cannot believe that you are already old enough to even put a back pack on your shoulders. I am simply amazed at how fast these four years have went by.

I am sitting here crying like a baby because you have already warned me that I better not cry or kiss you in front of your friends. Sorry to disappoint you sweetie but I am pretty sure that my alligator tears will be in full force before we ever even pull out of the driveway in the morning.

I am so excited for you to be able to learn and make new friends I can hardly stand it but my heart just breaks that our Mommy & Charli time bonding while you are a toddler is practically over. I know we will have our Fridays to hang out but I will be oh so lonely without you hounding me every 5 seconds and saying "What are we going to do today Ferb?" -- I already miss you. =(

You make the most proud Mommy in the entire world. I can never love anyone or anything more than I do you. I pray that your first day into your new big school is everything that we both hope for it to be. I pray that you make tons of new friends and are able to find your cubbie and locker. Please be nice to the boys, they really do not have cooties nor drool.This is your picture that you had to draw of your family to take with you for the first day. I just LOVE how you added our earrings and your huge bow. That is us for sure! You did such a wonderful job. I cannot wait to wake you up to tell you how perfect this picture is, I wish I could frame it and keep it forever!!

You are going to amaze everyone with how beautiful and smart that you are, just like the other students. I am so very blessed to be your Mommy. I thank the Lord for blessing our lives with you each day.

Your best friend forever,

I think I have drowned Nana's laptop with all of my tears.


  1. What a sweet letter to your baby girl! I hope she loves school. It really is a hard transition...for us moms!!!

  2. Awe! That's so sweet! Love CB's picture, it's adorable! I can totally relate to your feelings, it's heartbreaking! I'm sure you won't be the only Momma bawling it out!! Best wishes CB!

  3. Praying for you this morning!!! Hope you don't cry too much after you take Charli to pre-school! I know she will be just precious and probably love it!!!

  4. How sweet! I'm sure you will BOTH do great! Good luck girl! And that picture she drew is just precious! Love the big bow :)

  5. This makes me want to cry. Just the thought of being proud and excited and nervous and sad because your baby is growing up scares and excites me all at the same time. I'm sure Charli Beth will love school and friends. I hope she has a great year :)

  6. sweet!! I bet it is so hard to see you baby off to school!! She is so pretty and so sweet...she will LOVE school...and after awhile I think that you will adjust too :)

  7. how cute. hope she had a wonderful 1st day of school!

  8. Paige, I continue to be amazed at the wonderful Mother you are. Little Charli Beth is such a blessing to us all. God is working through you everyday and it shows in that precious little girl!

    Love you, Momma :-)

  9. How sweet! I just dropped Colin off on Monday for his first day at a new school and I called my mom to ask if it ever got any easier. He did fine, it was me that was sad. It really helped that he did so well though, as I'm sure Charli Beth did too!

  10. Aw what a sweet letter. I am not going to lie, this made me cry! Just know that your baby girl has just started preschool, makes me look at my little one & see how fast he's growing. Sigh... they grow so fast!!!

  11. that made me cry,lol I am still adjusting to Alyssa being in Kindergarten and she is still trying to adjust too. this is a very sweet letter.

  12. I cried all day on Bella's first day of preschool!! I can just imagine what it will be like when i send her to kindergarden. but i'm sending her to preschool again next year cuz they are moving up the cut off date to august 1st so she would be the youngest in her class if i sent her next year!


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loves & hugs