
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I gots my hair "did"

Want to know what the real life of Paige & Charli Beth looks like?
Yes, Charli likes to run around in a tank and panties.
& I do like to tell her that she looks like she is wearing a wife beater whenever she wears it.
Yes, I let my hair go sloppy for hours after waking up on my days off.
& Yes, Charli makes fun of me for it daily.

But I did get my hair "did" on Friday...

Horrible photo of it, but you get the point...

If you're looking for a new blog to follow, hop on over to Sarah's blog {the button isn't working for me, so please click on her name to get to her blog} and follow her journey in adoption from Ethopia! She is a super sweet girl from the lovely state of {yes you guessed it} Kentucky! She could most of all use your prayers during this process along with anyone else adopting.

1. The fact that I am off work tomorrow and Friday
2. The gorgeous weather and lovely temperatures we have been having in southern Kentucky this week! Spring is around the corner people!
3. Some exciting news for my family
4. My wonderful boyfriend, that is always there for me and sends me the sweetest text messages during the day exactly whenever I need a "pick me up."
5. Gunner (his dog) which I have become seriously attached to lately.
6. My sweet precious girl that likes to act like a dog constantly. ha!
7. That I finally got to wash my car today & there is not any damage from where I may have bumped into that car whenever it snowed! haha.
8. My instructor let us bring our quiz home to bring back next week. Craziest thing, I had ever heard but I won't complain =)
9. Did I mention that I'm off work tomorrow? ha.


  1. Not only do I not do my hair for hairs after I wake like you, I stay in my jammies too! At least my teeth get brushed! HA!

    Your hair looks great!! I'm curious as to what this exciting new is for your family that your blogged and tweeted about! Enjoy your day off tomorrow, i doubt I needed to say that!!

  2. Yay for you being off work the next two days. It's going to be gorgeous tomorrow so I hope you get to spend some time outside. You know I'll be taking some extra recess!
    I'm also curious about what this exciting news is. Hmm.

  3. Your hair looks great! Which you always do :)
    We have been having the beautiful warm weather too and it is awesome!!
    Have a great couple days off!!

  4. Glad you have some time off to enjoy your sweet girl! Your hair looks great.

  5. ENJOY YOUR DAYS OFF and the amazing weather.

  6. You're hair is so cute! And cuuute pink hoody you have on :)

    Gunner is the cutest dog name I love it!

    I hope you enjoy your day off!

    P.s. I ordered D a booster for his truck b/c we're always swapping & I couldn't find the same one we already have so I got a gray & black different brand one, but thanks to your post it reminded me life would be easier if didn't have to swap one carseat allll the time lol.

  7. Your hair looks great! I am also loving this weather! I can't wait to hear the exciting news :) Enjoy your days off!!!

  8. Love your hair!!!I want to get my hair cut short like.

  9. Ok, so, on my days off sometimes we go all day long in our pj's and change right b4 daddy gets home so he doesn't think we did nothing all day! HA!
    Love the hair!!

  10. Hair looks great! Have a great next 2 days off! I know the weather has been in the low 70's here, so glad it's begining to seem like spring. :)

  11. Your hair looks cute! Enjoy the beautiful weather and your days off!

  12. Love your hair, especially the color :)

  13. CUTE hair doo....I need to chop mine off sometime soon ;)

  14. i love the hair! short hair suits you.

  15. Thanks so much for visiting our space and the sweet comment! You are too sweet! I love your short hair! Kinda makes me want to cut my off again.


  16. You guys are adorable!
    Your hair looks great!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs