
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What does this mean to you?

"To see the beauty of the mountains, you must first go through the valleys."
-Bro. Lonnie {preacher man}

During the sermon on Sunday morning, I was playing/fighting with Charli Beth a lot to get her quiet or to keep her occupied. I'm sure that most of you know what that is like, especially if you go to a smaller church that does not have a nursery. Sometimes, I question why I even go to church whenever I am not able to hear what Preacher Man is saying. But this Sunday, I knew that I was there for so many reasons.

The quote that I posted above, hit me like a ton of bricks. Yes, I am Christian but each and everyone of us fail. After hearing this I feel so very selfish for being all about "me" and complaining so much about my past, and especially my most recent past. Heartaches are hard, there is no way around that. Each and everyone of us have had our fair share of them. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we should realize this way before we let our trouble consume our lives.

I was so wrong for always being so down about things that were going on in my life, and the past that was haunting me. I have realized in just a few weeks, that people will not always let you down, but troubles will always find you and you will always be haunted by something that you have done in the past. What matters the most is that you learn to let these things go.

So for today, I am letting go of my past troubles, heartaches, mistakes and so forth. I'm not saying that I will never complain. Because the Lord knows that I would be lyin'. But my future is so much brighter and more beautiful than all of the silliness that I have ever put myself through in the past.

I would like to know what this quote means to you...

I am wanting to add in the video to Eminem's "not afarid" lyrics to this post, but that would be a tiny bit contradicting in a sense! haha.


  1. This is one of my most favorite posts you have wrote. Letting go of some of the things in my past was one of my New Year's goals. Praying and thinking of you, girl! Happy times are now and ahead! :)

  2. Paige, I needed this post more than you know. It couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I was having a down-in-the-dumps moment and was feeling sorry for myself tonight...a lot to do with my past and with where my future is going.
    Thanks for the quote. To me it means that we're going to have to go through life's hardships. Maybe a lot of them. It's going to be dark at times, but with patience, faith, and God's guidance, we'll get through it. And when we do, the reward will be so great.
    I love your new blog look, by the way!

  3. First of wow, where have I been? I missed your last 2 posts! LOVE the new look! Also, I am laughing so hard at that picture of you with the bow! You look so cute! You mean you wouldn't want to wear one everyday?! ;) I love how CB is crossing her legs in her carseat! Little miss priss!

    And thanks for posting this today. I genuinely feel better after reading it too. Yesterday we got even more bad news about TAG's job. He has been speed training a college football player at another gym since his closed & out of the blue that gym closed last night too! I had a breakdown because it feels like we just can't catch a break. BUT this reminded me that there is always going to be not-so-great days that we have to have in order to appreciate what we've been blessed with even more. Thank you so much, friend!

  4. I love that Eminem song lol but I know what you mean...

    Good for you for looking so optomistically to your future. And perhaps I REALLY needed to read that quote you started out with, BTW I cut & pasted it as my fb status today...I had a BAD day yesterday & with you enthusiasm I reccomend you don't read my blog today b/c it's a bit of a buzz kill lol

  5. I always look forward to your posts and just like all the others today's post didn't let me down. To me this quote means so much. We all must go through difficult times in life. Life will give us many heartbreaks, tough times, & sadness, but these will only make us stronger. With faith in God's love and his continuous guidance we can overcome anything. The true test is to be a better person in the end. Life is full of constant lessons that we must learn from and move on in lifes journey.


  6. Paige...I'm so glad you were okay! This weather does need to move along though! I HATE driving in it! It makes me a nervous wreck!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs