
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

17 week post

I am almost two weeks behind with my blog due to the wedding and honeymoon but wanted to keep up with progress! We are still in the moving/cleaning process so I have no idea where my camera cord is, but I'll find it soon. The wedding was absolutely perfect.... ahh =) You can just call me Mrs. H from now on, thanks ;o)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 17 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 0
Best Moment this week: We got married during week 17 =) and spent sometime in Hilton Head, SC!

Gender: BOY

Movement: Flutters every now & then

Food Craving: Eww.

What I miss: Being able to eat whatever I want!

Sleep: Getting up one to two times a night to use the bathroom!

What I am looking forward to: Starting our new life together!

Belly Button: Ugh...lets not go there.

Symptoms: Nausea every so often in the mornings if I take my regular prenatal vitamin. Heart still fluttering throughout the day. I seen a cardiologist two days before the wedding and she "heard something" in my neck so she done a ultrasound of it which was totally fine. I was also scheduled to wear a 24 hr heart monitor and have an echo of my heart.


  1. Glad you're back! Can't wait to see wedding pics!! Congrats!!

  2. awee, you are so adorable. I can't wait to see the pictures!

  3. You are still just as tiny as can be!!

  4. You are so stinkin cute!! I too can't wait to see pictures!!! From what i've seen on fb they are FABULOUS!!!!! Hugs!!!

  5. You're so cute! I love your hair in these pics too! Congrats on the wedding Mrs. H!!! :)

  6. You look absolutely adorable!! I'm ready to see more wedding pics!!! :)

  7. You are too cute! Glad your wedding was beautiful, can't wait to hear about it and see pictures :)

  8. you look soo cute!!!!

  9. You look beautiful! Hope you continue to feel good!

  10. Cute belly! I hope everything turns out okay with the heart issue.

  11. You're so little still! Can't wait to see your belly pop and to see weddings pics!

  12. Hey, I just saw your comment about the in-home sitter/daycare. I do know of one lady (she's kept Ty a few times for me in the past) but she has a waiting list a mile long. I actually called her to see if she could start watching Ty 2 days a week and she's booked solid. (I'm leaving my current job and going to work for my dad 2 days a week). But, I'll keep my ears open and let you know!! If you hear of anyone too, please let me know! :)

  13. Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog and congratulations on all the wonderful things happening in your life!

  14. So glad you are back I have been missin' some momma & Charli blog! I must say that you look absolutely adorable!! I only hope that I will look that good when I am 17 weeks pregnant, some day of course. For me right now my peanut is enough! Can't wait for photo's of the wedding and honeymoon!

    Kelli @


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs