
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Charli B's New Bedroom

This is the bedding set that was purchased for Charli Beth's new bedroom. She has tossed up the ideas of princess room but mostly has talked about a "cowgirl" room. Her room in the new house is white and we are wanting to keep it that way because she is 5 and of course she is going to change her mind a million times. I plan to get a wall sticker to help decorate her room up since they are so easy to put up and take down! What colors should I accent with? Pink? Or just keep white and green?


  1. LOVVVVVVVVVVEEEE it! It's gorgeous pattern. And I'm obsessed with green too!

  2. Love the bedding. I think you could could add touches of black with this bedding for an elegant touch.

  3. Oh my goodness...I love that new bedding! I'd like it for our room! lol.

  4. I love just white and green but I love simple style.

  5. Love her new bedding! I also love the cowgirl silhouette decal.

  6. I agree with the touches of black and she can really grow with the black green and white.. Love it!

  7. oh I love that!! So pretty, i think pink accents here and there would add a nice pop of color too

  8. I would love tha tbedding for MY room! It's so pretty!! I like both black and pink but also another accent color that goes good with that green is coral. It would look good with anything though!

  9. I LOVE the bedding! I like just the green & white too.

  10. I love that bedding! I think if you did black accents it would be more elegant, but if you did pink accents, it would be a bit more fun. Can't wait to see what you do!

  11. LOVE the bedding! I vote for pink accents, but that's just cause I'm obsessed with pink, haha

  12. Love the bedding!!! I vote pink!

  13. Love it! I agree with others, black would be more elegant but wink would be oh so cute. You could change it up as she got older.

  14. Love the colors!! And you could do so much with accenting it! I think that pink would be cute...and then she could always get rid of the pick as she got older if she wanted!!

  15. I love this! miss you guys!


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loves & hugs