
Sunday, August 7, 2011

25 weeks + 5 days

Pregnancy Highlights:

25 weeks & some days!

Wow, holy dirty mirror...
I will clean that asap (try not to be embarrassed Mom)

While at work before posting this I thought I had not taken my photo yet, so once again I ran into the restroom and snapped a photo! I really need to get Curtis to start taking these for me, so my arm does not look so ginormous.

Baby Center says: Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

  • Total weight gain: 6lbs and some ounces, clearly on the way to 7 lbs by next shot day.
  • On Friday morning I heard some crazy loud popping noise coming from the top of my belly. Come to find out after my sister googled, it is not uncommon to hear this while they are kicking ? It was pretty crazy! If you were sitting next to me, you would have been able to hear this too.
  • I have felt pretty well this week except one morning while brushing my teeth. But I am working a double right now (2nd & 3rd shifts) so I have a feeling that Sunday is going to be kick my rump.
  • My hormones are still a roller coaster. Don't make fun or I may cry
  • Sleeping has become a task itself lately. It is not so much the belly being in the way just yet, it's mostly the several times of having to get my beluga whale butt up to use the restroom.
  • The rash on my scar comes and goes, only whenever it is itching like crazy. It almost looks like a bruise at times. I've been using shea butter like crazy to help prevent stretch marks.


  1. Oh my, how crazy, you can hear noises when he kicks!! Wow!!! That's neat! You look great!!

  2. Oh, girl, I had my very first crazy pregnant cry last night. I feel your pain :) I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I just started crying uncontrollably....over absolutely nothing. Haha! You look fabulous, by the way!

  3. That's so neat to hear the noises! You are still looking great!!

  4. I have never heard of "hearing kick." Wow!! You look beautiful...only gaining in your belly! <3

  5. I have never heard noises before! That is so neat! You look absolutely beautiful! I feel like I really blew up this time, but you are just gorgeous. Let me know how those popping sounds go.

  6. Oh my goodness! I know you are excited and scared for her all at the same time! My son starts Kindergarten in about two weeks and I can't believe it either! Hope her first day goes well. :)

  7. You look sooo great! Can't wait to see pics of the little guy!

  8. You look adorable!


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loves & hugs