
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cakes Edition

It looks like CB was not being very patient trying to hog up the cake before anyone else!
But I promise she was a good girl and did not even eat my delicious cake!
(The flash on the camera makes the yellow on the cake look brighter than it actually is.)

Why of course we had to include Gunner into our wedding!
He was truly missed during the ceremony, I am sure.

Good gosh, if I was a chocolate lover, then this cake would look absolutely delicious!

I truly think it is a wonderful idea for couples to have two completely different types of cakes at their reception! Both of our cakes were completely gone by the time that we were ready for more. We did save the top half of ours for our one year, but honestly I cannot even imagine eating year old frozen cake? Yuck.


  1. Love yalls wedding cake & that chocolate cake looks delicious! So cute that yall included Gunner.

  2. Love the two cakes idea! The yellow and white cake is beautiful.

    We didn't save the top tier of our wedding cake because we didn't have freezer space. Honestly I didn't miss it. I did use the same bakery to order a small cake for my sister's engagement party 1 1/2 later and it was nice to have cake from the same bakery.

  3. Both cakes look delish! I like the idea of the tree stump under the groom's cake. Very creative. And you'd be surprised how good your cake is after a year in the freezer. Tastes the same as your wedding day!

  4. The cake is my favorite part of going to a wedding! lol They both look so yummy!!! lol

  5. Great cakes! I love the yellow and white on the main cake!

  6. O MY GOODNESS!!! I LOVE all the pictures!!!! You had such a BEAUTIFUL Country wedding!!! I LOVE everything about it!!!

    About the freezing.
    step 1. Put it in the freezer and let it harden so that,(which i'm sure you already have done)*this is done so it doesn't smoosh in the next step.

    step 2. Then take it out of the freezer and use a Food Saver to vacuum seal it.

    step 3. wrap it in freezer paper.

    step 4. put it back in the little box and put back in the freezer until next year!! It should be good as new!!!

  7. wow these cakes are amazing! You have a beautiful blog! I stumbled across it while blog hopping. I love to make new blog friends! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would come check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

  8. I love the choice of two cakes!. I had a piece of my dads on his 1 yr and it was just as good as the day of his wedding!

  9. Your cakes were perfect too???? You need to go into wedding planning.

  10. So cute!!

    We saved the top of our cake as well...and it is STILL in the freezer! has been almost 2 years. I better just pitch it!

  11. Your cakes were adorable. I love the different patterns on the main one and his looks flippin' delish!

    Our cake was not bad at all on our 1 year anniversary. I was SO surprised!

  12. I'm not much of a chocolate fan, but I could eat all of those choc. covered strawberries! Love your cake stands (both!)


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loves & hugs