Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A Run For My Money
Saturday, February 25, 2012
My Sick Little Buddy

Please pray that Bryar does not get any worse and Charli Beth stays as healthy as ever!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Littlest Loves

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tiffany - "I think We're Alone Now"

She came by my work on Friday to visit because some of my coworkers were huge fans of her, back in the day. So of course, I wanted to get my photo taken with a famous singer!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Valentines Party

I have started to become terrible taking pictures lately and completely forgot to snap a photo of Charli Beth opening her gift from us this year! But we decided that Lady and The Tramp was the perfect little love story to give her! Her and her Daddy watched it together the other night and of course they loved it! My sweet Hubby gave me a clean house (ohh la la) and a Columbia outfit which I am sure he is crossing his finger in hopes that it does not fit so we can return to the Bass Pro Shop in Nashville. Ha! His gift in slowly but surely making it's way here and is the war series set The Pacific. If you may remember we watch Band Of Brothers while I was pregnant at night when I would get home from work and we enjoyed it so much, so I figured this would be the perfect gift to not only please him but to also spend some extra time with him =) Win win!
Must we never forget:
"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
That Darn Ole' Rodeo
This was actually the first even that I have left Bryar with grandparents except for work. I had a huge Mommy guilt after getting there. But I cannot wait for little Bryar to be able to join us next year!! He will have just as much fun as Charli Beth does! Now we just continue to hear about when Charli gets a horse...hopefully, it will happen sooner rather than later for her. Her dream of being a cowgirl needs to begin soon!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Daddy Daughter Valentines Dance
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Crazy with a capital C
I never really thought about all of the struggles that you go through with money or small spats that come out of stress. I just thought it was simply because you did not love someone, because that is all that I have ever known. But now I see the other side of this. I see this man that I love so very deeply and always will, but we face mountains each day of things that are new to us. We sometimes do not know how to deal with them and sometimes we must agree to disagree. Although, we are two of the most hard headed, stubborn people in the world we seem to always make it through to the next day and for that I am so very grateful.
There is nothing in this world that I want more than to be the best Wife and Mommy as possible. We all know that we are not perfect, and that we all fail especially in the beginning of new things. I may not be a "new Mommy" but I am a new Mommy of two, and I am most definetely a new Wife. So lets be honest, I am getting my tail whipped and feel as if I am sinking most days rather than keeping my head above the water. But I want to do better and I must do better, not only for me but for my husband and children as well.
I have had such inspiring words from family and friends that time together is a must. Yes, I am meaning date nights! I have been such a baby hog and the thought of leaving Bryar whenever he can just be with me makes me feel a little nutty but I see that it is something that I need to do. I need time wether is for a few hours or for an afternoon to focus on my husband and give my husband the attention that he needs, and that we both deserve. It seems that so many of us get such few date nights.
So my question is; When you and your husband finally get a night/afternoon out what are your favorite things to do?!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Another weekend down.

Can you find baby B in this picture?!
Ha. Yes I take my baby to the salon with me!
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Girl Behind the Blog - Vlog!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
4 months!