
Monday, March 26, 2012

First Baby Food

The other night we let Bryar try his first real baby food, and as you can see from the pictures our lil buddy had no idea what to think of it.

I gave him bananas first for no particular reason besides that is what cousin Trace tried first too.

At first B would take a taste and then spit them right out after giving us the all famous "What the heck is this?" look. But after a while he started scooping it out with his tounge over top of the spoon. It was so funny.

Each day I try to give him a little for him to get the hang of it before I (try to) start making his own baby food. What is your favorite baby food mixer? I know some have the baby bullet but are there others out there that you perfer? And what is your favorite thing to make for your babies?


  1. We tried bananas first too! He is a doll.

  2. It's so much fun to feed them solids for the first time! He has the cutest facial expressions- you can tell he really is wondering what in the world you are giving him!

    I have this baby food processor and it has worked really well. I've also used a regular chopper and even the blender and they worked fine too!

  3. These pictures are too funny... love them! He's def. not sure what to think!

  4. Hey Paige:)

    Love Bryar's expressions!! (and you look so pretty too, love your hair!!) Girl I love the baby bullet but I'm telling you it's SO easy to make baby food and you can do it all by just boiling the heck out of the food then blending it in a regular blender! Easy peasy!

  5. aww, yay! what did you start out with? And...can you tell me the routine you have used to try new foods? I'm anxious about it but we are hoping to start tonight!

  6. B is really looking like you. Too cute!

  7. It looks like he loves his food! Honestly, don't waste money on a special baby food maker that you will only use for a few months. I make all of Lily's food and just use a blender! It works perfectly!
    We've tried pretty much everything, including pumpkin, parsnips and turnips, and spinach/peas/pear blend. Her all time favorite is an apple-strawberry-banana blend!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs