
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kentucky Farm Life

It always seems that Kentucky weather is such a tease this time of year. One day we can have the most beautiful weather ever and the next minute tornadoes are approaching. As they say March comes in like a lion but leaves like a lamb.
While Charli was out of school for pink eye we took her for a walk thinking that maybe the outside weather would possibly help it out?! Yea, so maybe we were wrong but it was worth the try.

This walk and a milkshake on the way home from the doctor was probably the most exciting parts of those few days for us, especially Charli. Pink eye is undoubtedly the worst thing, ever! Darn you kindergarten germs!

If you cannot tell already Charli Beth absolutely loves living on "her farm."
& Gunner man may very well like it too :)


  1. i'm so sick of this weather, I just want it to be nice EVERYDAY and quit tormenting people... cute pics, she is getting so big, and who wouldn't love living on a farm=)

  2. Awe I hope CB is better now or getting better. Poor thing.

  3. crazy weather, snowed here last week and 70 today! hope all is well

  4. Hey Paige :)

    I love these pictures and I'd never heard that about March before haha! I'm a March baby (Ram) so maybe it's true about a lamb haha. Kentucky looks like a beautiful place to live. I've lived in NC all my life and it's hard for me to imagine living anywhere else


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loves & hugs