
Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Charli Beth!!!

Dear Charli Beth,

Here we are again at this moment where your Mommy is baffled that you are now a year older and crying trying to figure out where time has went. It is amazing the joy that you have brought into my life in the past 6 years. The things that you and I have endured together are some of my most treasured memories. You are the best daughter and friend that the Lord could have ever blessed me with and I am so very thankful to call you mine.

Each year you get so excited (more excited than most kids do) for your birthday to arrive, but I just cringe at the thought, only due to the fact that it is such a bittersweet time watching you grow into the beatufiul, smart, talented, sassy little lady that you are. I pray that this next year will be another wonderful year for you. Age 5 you endured becoming a big sister, adapting to a new family, and moving away from the home that we had always known and let me tell you girlfriend you did an awesome job. You are the best big sister to Baby Bryar, and he will love you forever for being as sweet as you are to him.

I could not be anymore proud of you than I am today. :) I pray that you have the most amazing birthday and cowgirl party this weekend!


your super sappy teary eyed Mommy


  1. Happy Bday Charli Beth!

  2. Awe! How sweet! Happy Birthday pretty girl!

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

  4. Hi new follower! Happy Birthday to your little one. I LOVE her name, so cute!

  5. Happy birthday Charlie Beth...what a sweet picture and letter from her mama! I can't wait to see the pictures from her birthday party!!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs