I am a little late for Bryar's 7 month post!

Bryar Wayne,
I am constantly amazed at the fact that you are already 7 months old. It seems that you should still be in my tummy kicking away. But I am so thankful for all of the moments that we get to play and spend together. Even though I complain about the lack of sleep that I am expereiencing at the moment, I really am okay with spending every moment that I can with you. Because very soon you will be, "to old for your Mommy's loving" (Which to me, you are never to old for by the way.)
You may be a skinny boy still but you think that you are much bigger than what you are trying to pull up to stand rather than sit. We have had the discussion many times already that this a process and you need to take it step by step rather then walking before you can even sit up by yourself. But I suppose that you have the determination and the "hardcore" mind set just like your Daddy :)
We finally got to hear your BIG laugh for the first time about two weeks ago. Thankfully, Nana caught it on camera because Mommy and Daddy were on a date night. It is seriously the most precious sound ever. You are a lot like your big sister and like to keep all of your giggles hidden except for those very special tickling moments.
I have a feeling that you are going to be my wild child and are saving all of this energy up for when you are a toodler. You may not be able to sit up or crawl yet but I can leave you in one spot on the floor turn around and you have rolled or popped your back up to get across the room.
On Sunday, May 13 (Mother's Day) you will be dedicated at church and it is such a honor to your Daddy and I to stand before the church and say that we will raise you in a christian home. My number one prayer for you is that you will come to know and love the Lord with all of your heart and soul.
The next few months you are going to be hitting a lot of milestones and once again it will be a bittersweet time watching you grow up!
I love you baby B :)
Weight : 13 lbs - itty bitty boy! 

Height: 26 in.
Sleep: Mr. B still wakes up around 3 times a night, although I do believe that this is mostly out of habbit more than anything. He does still nurse through the night, although sometimes he is just need of his buddy (our name for a pacifier) and a pat on the booty then he falls back to sleep. We have pretty much made the transition into his crib from next to Mommy. But boy do I miss him when he is away.
Eat: B still only takes 6 oz of milk but we are starting to try more but typically he gets very full on just this. We have tried practically all baby foods but his favorites are avacado and bananas smashed up. He would rather eat the food that we are eating than the actual baby food. Everyone gasped the other night at church when I gave him a bite of mashed potatoes then I heard an older lady next to me saying "You go Mama!" and I just laughed. We agreed that I have the second baby syndrome and am not afarid of giving him "to much." 

Ok, I know this is about Baby Boy...but I LOVE your hair!!
ReplyDeleteOh so adorable!! Happy 7 months!! XOXO
ReplyDeleteHe is soo full of life!! I love it! Both Bryar and Charli are super cute! I love seeing their pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd you look amazing too Mama!
You have such amazing and gorgeous children. You and them are so blessed to have eachother. I am so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteHappy 7 months! He has the biggest smile!!! So cute!
ReplyDeleteAGH! He is so precious! I can't believe it has already been 7 months since his pretty face entered the world!