
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Keep Calm & Mommy On

Some days we as Mommys struggle. We look defeated, tired and worn out. Well, we feel that way most days but some days it just really (and I mean really) shows through. I am pretty sure that for the last 7 months, this is how I look. I am officaly a hot mess, not that I was not ever before. But my gracious, I've lost it.

Bryar has been sleeping less and less lately. His tummy troubles are effecting his sleep more now than they ever have. At his Vandy appointment last week the Doctor informed us that he believes that the bleeding is from an irritation in his intestines from an antibiotic (even though he tested negative for C-diff in the weeks before.) He prescribed Bryar Zantac to try twice a day and after that we will probably cut out all dairy products to see if that helps any as well. But I am still just so confused because even though there is no bleeding, his diapers are gggross and his belly hurts after taking his new formula. I just wish it could all be figured out.

I suppose that I am spoiled with the fact that Charli Beth was formula fed and started sleeping through the night at 3 months. I know so many Mommys on twitter/blogs that there baby went well past the age of one before sleeping through the night. Which I am totally okay with, I can handle that, but what I cannot do not want to handle is being awake most of the night, getting up early, getting the kids ready and myself then coming to work, going home and doing the same thing all over again.

It is miserable but the fact is I picked to do this.

I made the decisions to get me to where I am in this very moment. I may not be as cute as I once "thought" I was and I may even look "old" now but I have a wonderful darn reason for these things. I may not get to sit down at home until I lay my head down to go to sleep for a few minutes, but I am blessed for the reason of having to run around like a walking zombie all day, because the Lord has blessed me.

Some days we may be worn out, or we may be exhausted and just look/feel all around terrible but we (I) must remember that these days do not last for long, they go by way to fast and the Lord simply will not put more on us than what we can handle.


  1. Paige, I totally understand your circumstances. In fact, the sleeplessness lead me into a deep state of depression, not to mention emotional turmoil and severe issues with self doubt. I would love to go out for coffee so that I can encourage you. Email me:

    Prayers for you!!

  2. Aww you poor girl. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. I can't imagine how hard it is to have a little one hurting so much. Prayers for you.

  3. You are such an amazing person, and you deserve a stress free day now and then! God Bless!

  4. OH HONEY! I soo wish I knew you in "real life" so I could come give you a hug! I've been *sorta* in your spot many many times! H JUST NOW started sleeping. It was so stinking hard to go to work on no sleep and do everything you gotta do. I can't imagine with the poor boy feeling awful. :( I'm so sorry you are struggling right now! I sure hope it gets easier soon on you! Of course you don't want to wish this time away, but don't feel guilty if you do. I totally prayed and wished H's colic months away. It's soo hard to be a Mommy; but of course we know it's worth it. Like my Momma says: This too shall pass....we just don't know when! Ha!

  5. Girl, I have been in your same shoes with sleepless nights and it is NOT fun! You are right, God will get you through this time! Good luck!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs