
Monday, July 2, 2012

Facebook Statuses

Facebook statuses are something that typically gets another person's attention. Why we may ask? Because everyone, everywhere seems to be obsessed with the website. I on the other hand, typically only like to post photos of my children and post a quote or verse in my status every now and then. The reason I do this isn't for the number of likes that I may obtain but to make you stop and think. To reflect upon your life or to maybe even help you get through your day. It seems way to often that I have read a verse and think, "Goodness, that was destined for me to read. I really need to start working on this a little more."

I sadly may not be the most faithful woman to Christ and I am still growing in my Christianity but that shouldn't make me stop and think, "Well I shouldn't post that because I cursed today." We all fall short in our lives, sometimes way more often than we would like to admit. But should that stop us from witnessing {in every way} to others? No. We should never feel as if we are not worthy enough of enlightening someone's day of words from the Bible, our heart or something we read in a quotes app. You may never know the power of your own words - until they are spoken of course :)

1 comment:

  1. Face becomes too much famous now a days. everybody like it, and specially the like option on facebook it means facebook how to get likes, So thank you for sharing such kind of news .


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loves & hugs