For our trip to Florida my Mother in Law wanted to do something special for Charli since this was her first time going by plane. She packed one of her backpacks full of treats, a vacation book, coloring book, craft and crayons.
(We also had to add in a stuff animal horse, but that is another story.)
The vacation book is something that I thought was super sweet and that she can keep for years to come. I hope and plan to do something similar for every trip now on.
From what I was told she picked up a personal journal at Hobby Lobby, along with scrap booking stickers. She ten designed the book with different things such as:
- Did you try any new foods? If so, what were they.
- where all did you visit on you trip?
-Draw a picture of your and Bryar playing on the beach.
- What was your most favorite thing about the plane ride?
Charli worked on the book on the plane ride home. It was a great way to occupy time as well as a way to cherish memories.
How neat!