
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Anyone out there?

It seems as if half of the bloggers that I follow on my dashboard are no longer blogging or have not in quite sometime. If you are a reader please let me know if you are still blogging, so I can be sure to follow you!

While your here, let me tell you about a great blog that is hosting an awesome giveaway!

Molly, from Stilettos and Diapers reviewed some lingerie from Vanity Fair recently. At first when I read "Not yo Mama's lingerie" I was expecting something va-va-voom! Then I saw it was Vanity Fair and to be honest I was quite pleased, because I have tried their products before and loved them. I am all about comfort, support and AFFORDABLE! Along with the review Molly is hosting a $100 visa gift card from Blogher...obviously this is the va-va-voom in my eyes ;)

Go check her out and enter :)


  1. Not sure if you follow me or not but I still blog. :)

    I still read yours religionsly!

    Bran :)

  2. OMG, I was thinking the same thing yesterday or they've made their blog private. (which I've noticed about 4 people I follow are now private and I can't read their blog anymore)

  3. OMG, I was thinking the same thing yesterday or they've made their blog private. (which I've noticed about 4 people I follow are now private and I can't read their blog anymore)

  4. I still read your blog and I still blog just gets so busy sometimes...ya know how that goes...:o)

  5. I'm here! I recently cleand out my list and got rid of those no longer blogging and added in new ones! It feels good to be clean! :)

  6. I still blog, though not as frequently as I would like. I usually post about 5-7x/month. Every month I think, "This month I am going to post more." :)

  7. I'm still here! =) I had a death in the family and my blogging took a dive. I'm back now though. XO

  8. I read your blog and I blog.

    I was shocked it was vanity fair as well. ;) Hope you win!

  9. I agree about no one blogging anymore. I have tried to delete the bloggers that haven't posted in a while but it wont let me. I posted about it yesterday on my blog to see if anyone knows how to delete them because it doesn't work the way I do it. :)
    Anyways I am still here :)

  10. I follow you but have never joined in. I recently started a new public blog about our recent move to the country it's
    I have enjoyed following your blog as a mother to a girl and a boy there are things you write that I can relate to!

  11. I still blog! Glad you are too :)

  12. I am still here. I am not an everyday blogger, but I do try to be a once a week blogger! I have noticed lately that a lot of the blogs that I used to read, haven't written anything in awhile, so I have started reaching out to new ones. This probably has something to do with the fact that most have the blogs I follow have kids under a year old. I guess it is just a season in life

  13. I read your blog and keep an updated blog! Would love for you to read my blog! :-)

  14. I'm here! I read it most of the time on my cell in a mad rush to get out the door. I do love yoru blog and your family.

  15. I'm still here. I have just been super busy since I started back to teaching. Hopefully things will slow down soon.

  16. I still blog and read your blog, too, but life is so busy I'm usually a week behind.

  17. I started blogging again a few weeks ago! I also started reading my old reliables, like yours, again! You're babies have GROWN!

  18. I love your blog and although I haven't blogged in quite some time I'm still here. I've had a lot going on lately that hopefully I can share sooner rather than later!

  19. I blog of course, but not like everyday, more like once a week or two! It's hard blogging on my tiny droid screen! Lol I enjoy reading your blog whenever I get the chance! I feel like I know you, even tho we've never met. Amazing how Blogging can do that!!

  20. I'm still here...I've been MIA a little lately though :)


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs