Why does time have to fly by so fast when our babies are little? It seems like a blink of an eye and we are right back here on the 5th of every month blogging new milestones and weight goals. Can I please just hit pause for a while? I need my baby to stay a baby and my so called "big girl" to stay as spunky as she is. Baby Bryar will always be baby Bryar. I could care less if he is 16 and friends are picking on him, my baby is my baby.
Even though the month has flew by, we have accomplished many new milestones. Minus walking of course. It is quite funny that his doctor along with everyone else thought he would walk before he crawled or that he would skip crawling all together. The boy can run like no other, on all fours that is. He is a fast little fella! Even though he is not walking just yet, we are so close in the final steps leading up to walking; holding on to furniture while walking along.
He has picked up clapping and loves to clap at Charli's softball games. He awake from his naps just to sit up and clap with the crowd. He sure is a ham when people start noticing him too.
Waving "bye bye" has recently become a new trick that he loves to show off.
Not to mention that trips out to eat are becoming non-existent since B loves to scream like an exorcist until he gets a bite of whatever we are eating. He is only on similiac advance for bottles (as well as his love for water) and he takes 8 oz at a time.
He is still wearing most 9 month clothes and recently went to size 3 pampers. I do still rock him to sleep but typically he will fall asleep then wake up and cry for a while before i rock him again. It is defiantly a night time routine for us. Our major milestone of this month was that he started sleeping through the night! YES! You read that correctly! He may wake up every now and then but this is golden compared to where we were!!
We are actually attending a NICU reunion this Sunday. Our family is very excited to go back and thank all of the wonderful people that helped our family during the first weeks of Bryar's life.
Happy 11 months baby B! There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for blessing me with you and Charli Beth. I cannot wait to see you accomplish more milestones and even though it will be bittersweet I am excited to celebrate YOUR day a month from now. I love you :))
Happy 11 months!
ReplyDeleteThat is just crazy!