I have dreaded the day that Charli or any of my other childern would come home with headaches or notes from school saying that they are having a hard time seeing the bored. But this day finally arrived this year for my pretty girl. As she was getting off the bus she would tell me how bad her head was hurting. At first I kind of panicked, hoping that all was well then as it conitnued on I thought I should email Mrs. Graves and see if she was having any issues seeing the bored. But before I was even able to do so, she emailed me with exactly what I needed to know.
"Charli is having a hard time seeing the bored and reading. She is having to squint her eyes and she has started to have headaches. I am sure that you have noticed, but not be alarmed I typically have 4-5 kids to go through eye changes in first grade a year."
So I talked to over to Charli, and at first she was nervous so we had to go through sceanarios of "if someone made fun of her" and how they really are not a friend in the first place if they are saying ugly hurtful things. Then she prayed, she most sweetest prayer ever...
Yes, she uses "emotional" all of the time. We refer Charli to a little adult with her vocabulary and facial expressions. And no I was not kidding when I stated that I would rip someone apart if they were rude to her. I will. :) That is what Momma bears are for though, right?
So the next day, CB, Bryar, my Mom and I headed to Valu Vision here because they seem to have the best deals around. The staff I must say were from all sorts of people from super friendly to not so pleasant. Thankfully, Charli had the sweetest girl helping her there!
When it was time for her to go back and see the Doctor she started to become her typical little awkward self. (She makes this face that looks like a fish out of water.) The doctor did not take to long at all to tell me that she was far sighted, although it was not bad and more than likely something that she will grow out of as she gets bigger and her eyes get "longer."
So, we were stuck. Does she need glasses or does she not? The Dr was up in the air about it and said that either way would not be a bad choice, it would just help relieve her symptoms if she did get them. Then he decided to go ahead and dilate her eyes to so that he could see them better. Typically, after dialation if you can a difference in them.
But, he didn't.
We were up in the air again. But finally I decided that it was in her best interest to go ahead with glasses while she is younger. This is an important time as she continues to learn to read and spell. I hate to continue to interfer with her vision and not give her something to help her focus better. Thankfully, she does not have to wear them constantly and only while focusing at school, tv or computer.
Charli was having a time with her eyes being dilated but never fear, she picked out the two cutest pairs of glasses that we came across.
The next week was filled with complete excitement as to when she would be able to wear her glasses to school to show Mrs. Graves. When we were finally able to pick them up, we realized that they are even more cute that we had ever planned. She looks so much older wearing them, and I just love her cute self!
She is a beauty.. With or with out glasses.. She is just a doll, Paige!!
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you with going ahead and getting them. I would of done the same thing.
She is adorable with glasses! I got glasses when I was young too.
ReplyDeleteShe is just seriously too cute...and she can totally rock the glasses!!
ReplyDeleteShe is just too cute...and she totally rocks the glasses!!
ReplyDeleteOh how cute! When I got my glasses in 5th grade I was so excited! Now, I hate them and live for my contacts, but they really hurt my eyes for so many reasons, so I only wear them when necessary! She is going to get kids to want to wear glasses, so adorable!
ReplyDeleteOh my gracious she is soo cute!! Love her new glasses, looks so grown up!!
ReplyDeleteShe looks adorable in her glasses!
ReplyDeleteOh she is too. stinkin. cute! I can't imagine anyone teasing her because she's all fashionista/adorable! Man, glasses have come a long way since I got them in 2nd grade. I deserved to be made fun of for the ones I picked out tee hee! :)
ReplyDeleteShe looks so cute! Thank goodness she was excited about them.