
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Babysitting Lately

In the last couple of weeks, I have found my love for pinterest that everyone else has had. I have pinned future home ideas, meals, date ideas, crafts and motherly advice. I am not sure why I was not obsessed before, but now I am pinning way to much just like I post way to many photos of my kids on facebook - like it is even possible to post to many though?!

So the week of Halloween I wanted to do a little bit extra with the childern that I watch during the day so I found a few ideas and got to work with them. First of all, who every thinks of these crafty keepsake ideas I just want you to know that I love you! Seriously. How precious are baby Bryar's feet made out to be ghost? Really though, his feet look huge when he only wears a size 4 shoe.

The kids also made bats just like they did in Charli's classroom for her party. Soon we will be making blessing trees with the oldest child. Charli has already started on hers and it has been lots of work in the spare time of homework, girl scouts, and etc.

Poor baby Bryar has been having a rough spell lately it seems. I cannot lie and say that watching childern is an easy task for any of my family members. I have heard a lot of people say that it takes someone special to do it, but honestly I am just thankful to be able to keep these kids, have fun with them and spend time with my family. But, in all honesty it does take a toll on everyone. It isn't just an adjustment for the kiddos coming into our home, it is for us too. We not only have to adapt to the new child and them being in our home. We also have to get to know their personalities and if/when things get broke or it gets really loud we just have to adjust too. All in all though, it has been a great expereience so far!

Bryar never randomly falls asleep but on this day playing with the kids completely wore him out evidently. He is such a stinker lately and I can tell that he is going to be the run for my money out of the two. I just love it though. I was always so scared of being a boy Mom (and sometimes still am when I think about the future) but God knew exactly what he was doing when he blessed me with a boy.


  1. Hats off to you for doing what you do. Those parents are lucky to have found someone they can trust to watch their kiddos!!

  2. Your family is adorable!!! I love their Halloween costumes!

  3. You definitely have your hands full! This is the first time since I had Dylan that I haven't babysat another child in my home. I stopped in August. I have to admit, I do miss the extra money!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs