
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Book Advent

Christmas was such an amazing holiday for our family. We celebrated in so many ways and finally started a tradition that I hope to continue in the years to come.

At the end of November I wrapped 25 books and put in a bucket. Each night Charli would pick one out to unwrap then we would read at bedtime. It was such an excitement for her. A lot of the books were very easy for her to read as well.

It was not in our budget to buy all new books so many of the books we used were from when I was little to $1 books from the Mighty Dollar. She could not tell a difference in any of them but loved our new tradition.

I was so sad to see our book times together go. But am so happy to look back on the funny and cute photos that I captured during it!


  1. Aww, what a cute tradition! Love the idea and the pictures are oh so cute!

  2. Love all the books. --Also, we do live in KY, but our fams are from Indiana.

  3. What a wonderful tradition!! The pictures are all so cute!!


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loves & hugs