
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Tree Craziness

Two. That is how many Christmas trees we have had thus far in our marriage. Two years in a row we have had real trees. Last year, we were easy my husband got us a tree at Lowe's because we had left over gift cards from our wedding and boom we were ready to go. This year, he had to be a little more difficult. This tree has almost caused, this wife a nervous breakdown.

 Tears were even almost sought after when he brought in the first tree. Yes, the first.

When my Husband was a child, his Dad and he would go out onto the farm and cut down their trees. They would cut cedar trees, which are a lot more work. I believe you have to cut them half way up then practically cut them in the middle again. But this is what he wanted to do, and who wouldn't love to go cut their own tree?

 One afternoon we headed out to the farm and found the tree that we all thought would work. Sure it was tall, but some had to come off anyways. Well, the chainsaw messed up a bit and no gloves were to be found so my Father in law came to the rescue. When two men get together with a chainsaw and a Christmas tree, the tree because a little less than ever intended.

 So, we went and found another tree for them to cut down. Down the tree came and I perked my smile up and said it would work. Well, once it came into the house with buckets, sheets and all. I finally admitted that tears were about to flow because it was truly in fact the ugliest tree. Then my gracious Father in law agreed and helped me convince Curtis that going out and spending $39 was a great idea, especially at this point.

Thank goodness that he finally came to terms, and we headed for Lowe's. We spent about 20 minutes, picking up trees, asking questions, finding some dead ones, and then finding the perfect tree. But 20 minutes to get the perfect tree, I would take any day over the stress we had just endured.

We get the tree home and brought inside before we realize that the bottom is going to have to be cut as well. I stood holding our tree for a good 10 minutes while Curtis went to the barn to get trimmers. After a lot of whispering curse words, vacuuming needles and frustration we finally got our tree into the stand.

Holy haystacks. I wish I could half way explain to you how funny yet stressful this entire tree adventure was. I was pretty sure that one of us was not going to live to see Christmas day, but we made it and only spent $42.75 taxes and all on our was totally worth it too.


  1. Oh I know how you feel! My husband always had the same family tradition and we decided to do that our second year of marriage too. (First year we bought a fraiser fur). I had the hardest time dealing with just wasnt right. We jsut went for our third year in a row cutting down a cedar tree and now I love the tradition..took me a while!

  2. Hahaha, this story made me glad we've had a fake tree for the past few years:)


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loves & hugs