Our Christmas Eve was very laid back this year. I ended up taking a trip to my parents house with Bryar in tow to help Santa bring home some extra large items that he was unable to hide in his sleigh. When I returned home, I made my first batch of chocolate chip cookies! Not my taste but Santa seemed to really enjoy them.
Bryar seemed to not have an issue with the Christmas tree until Christmas Eve. He wanted to pull off ornaments, bows on the gifts and became a quick fan of trying to open presents. I spent most of the day chasing after my bows and ornaments!
While I finished getting myself and Bryar ready, CB and Curtis went down to the barn to get the reindeer hay. Charli also used her reindeer food (oats, seeds, and glitter) in the hay to make it, "extra tasty!" She then became very concerned of Rudolph getting thirsty. So of course we set out a bucket of water.
My in laws open their gifts on Christmas Eve and have dinner for the family too. So in the late afternoon, we all headed over with our gifts! The kids were both so excited and poor Bryar could not sit still! Since he has learned to walk he is all about exploring! Charli blessed the food over dinner and I could not help but snicker when she prayed for "Santa and the reindeer to have a safe trip!"
Charli was so much fun with her imagination running wild. It seems that every year I say that it is going to be the most fun year with her and then she proves me wrong the next year! I hope se continues to believe for as long as possible!
When it was time to head home, Charli was very antsy to get into bed. She once again prayed over Santa, Elves, as the reindeer. It was to sweet for words! She quickly fell asleep, while Bryar cried it out and Santa got to work...
Glad Charli was so into Christmas! Looks like a fun day :)