
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Belated Mothers Day Post

Mother's Day has always been a special day in my heart. Not just because of the fact that I have the worlds most awesome Mother. But mainly because I have always seen the love, support and hard work that she has put out for us. There were many times in our childhood where it was only Ashley, Mom and I.

I honestly can never remember one time that she did not put us first. We never knew if we were in a bind because her love covered us. When we were older and in different situations I can see now that her reactions were actions of love. I know that my Mom working late hours, over the road and taking so much bad crap was for us - to provide for us.

A single parents love is a total different love. It's something that you only know the special meaning of, if you experience it. My Mom never let me feel less loved because my Father did not want to hold up the role he was called upon to be. She made us feel more loved.

I can only hope to love and care for my little ones as she has for me.

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loves & hugs