It has been quiet sometime since I have updated on my little wild man. In the past few months he has truly been growing like a weed. It seems that he is learning something new daily. Which is truly acceptable when he has a big sister in his face trying to teach him to even spell already - even though he can only say a few words.
His favorite words seem to be tractor, stuck and buddy. Some of his other words include puppy, book, Papaw, Pa, Charli, car, Daddy and Mommy when he cries.
His favorite thing in the entire world to do is to ride the tractor. I am more than certain that he would live on one, if give the chance.
He is also still a dancing machine. Anytime music starts playing you can look over and Bryar has his white boy groove going. Even if it is directly after bath time, he will run until he can find a stage to dance on....
Sleep is still a fond issue of mine...not. He has now became a co-sleeper, most nights or we end up on the couch with me sleeping in the floor. Just to be honest, in this stage of my parenthood it's all about survival. I will sleep in the bathtub if it means I can rest for a few. Crying it out does not work, so I lay with him until he is ready to fall asleep then I move him to his bed. Typically he always wakes around 2:30, and is moved into our room. Around 5, we make our way to the couch. Lately he has been sleeping until 9 with one nap during the day.
Oh, how his little world is fixing to be rocked.
He loves being outside playing or exploring. If someone is riding the horse, he must be in on the action too. The swing is his favorite playset activity and he will ride until he falls asleep. We also spend time of our day digging and just plain getting dirty. He is for sure, all boy!
Just to be honest, Bryar is my most challenging child out of the two. But rewards me daily by his unconditional love and need for his Mommy. He is so much fun with his silly spirit and stubborn will that it completely reminds me of his Daddy.
Why is his little world fixing to be rocked... Any big news you are planning on sharing?