
Friday, August 16, 2013

The Pink Machines

Charli Beth has started another season of softball. We decided during Summer season that it was time to move up and learn a little more about competition. 

We have once again joined a new team. The coach went to high school with Curtis so it was nice to make that connection. Their team is called The Pink Machines. 

Charli's throwing has really improved since Summer ball. I mean dramatically improved even though we failed as parents with practicing with her as much as we could. {To be honest, our free time was spent with Ranger.} She has always been a consistent hitter. But her swing has improved as well. Swinging hard is something with her hitting that we have always tried to work with her on. I suppose all of the scooping in the barn has made her little muscles grow a little stronger! The major thing we are struggling with this season is her attention span. If Charli is not in an active position, she gets bored very easily.

The Pink Machines have played two games this week. Both games were huge loses; 18-3 & 19-7. As hard as it is for my competitive nature, I am just so glad that she is just as proud that she played her best! 


  1. So fun! We were having problems with Wyatt swinging the bat hard, but then we realized that he equated hard with going slow and using muscle, so we started telling him to swing FAST. That helped A LOT. He's in his first year of Coach pitch now - can't wait!

  2. Fun I am thinking I want Alex to try this and soccer! So many sports so much to try :)


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loves & hugs