
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

On Saturday Charli Beth's 4-H Cloverbuds group volunteered to ring bells for the Salvation Army at the mall. I must first say that if you are wanting to get into the Christmas spirit this is a just do.

As you can see I let Charli pick out her outfit of choice for the day. But everyone loved her style. The elder men especially loved her and would bring change over just to say that they had a hat like hers too. 

After being the bell ringers for the first shift we volunteered for another for later in the day. 

During the next slot Bryar and Curtis came along. The mall was more busy so the kids were able to express lots of gratitude for donations. Bryar was so excited to help ring the bell. Although, after two seconds he was finished and wanted to run to see Santa Claus' bell. 

After leaving we went for lunch then on to pick our Christmas tree!! 

1 comment:

Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs