To say how beautiful this afternoon was, would truly be an understatement. Since I was saved at an early age in life, it has always been my personal want to be baptized within a creek. My family and close friends were in attendance, the weather was great and the moment was more than perfect.
I suppose you can say that I am a little old school when it comes to my faith. I love old gospel hymns and I love strong preachings that leave you thinking for the rest of the day. Those are the moments in church that I always remember. The days that pondered on quotes and the notes I've written based on what I got from a sermon.
I suppose this is the reason that a creek baptism was a must for my announcing of faith.
Could their be anymore of a sweet moment in life that my husband and children watching upon this? I can only pray that this day touched Charli's heart.
The farm is so beautiful and hearing the men's choir sing It Is Well With My Soul, made me want to run to the water to be the first. Yet I waited patiently and almost nervous as the third person to be baptized.
(Only nervous that I would float away and be the only person ever to drown during a baptism. Ha!)
The water was so cold and I may have squealed a bit when first going under. All I could think about was how amazing it was to come straight up and seeing the sunset through the creekside. It was truly an unforgettable moment.
I joined our church that morning as I had finished the membership process and interview with the pastor. It's a wonderful feeling being a member of a church that Curtis has attended since birth.
This church has grown to huge depths over the years and we now feel comfortable in our church home with my "new" church family. Yet in saying new, I also feel that it is given that I should always say that I will never leave my love or family from my previous church.
Drakes Creek
It Is Well With My Soul.
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