
Friday, November 28, 2014

Never Let Me Forget

While there is so much craziness going on in the world and as I sit here trying to wake my sleeping toddler. I am reminded of the good. The things that I never want to forget. But sadly, we are all to often to forget the good but never let the bad go. The news in Missouri has broke my heart this week. Watching the footage of citizens looting, trashing and burning buildings for no reason is quiet depressing. We're not animals, but we are suppose to be the country of amazing opportunities. Which I hope we come back to being one day. 

For tonight, I just want to remind myself of the things to never forget. 

- The way Bryar snuggles and rubs but feet under whoever he is falling asleep next to. 

- How Charli would look outside as a toddler and say, "It's a perfect day." my great Grandmother will never forget this. She still gets tears thinking about those memories. 

- The way Charli would say pup cake instead of cupcake, or Diddy instead of Daddy. 

- When Bryar knows he is doing something he shouldn't, he just smiled and shakes his head "yes" at me while I give him the "mommy stare down."

- Charli's prayers at night which states, "Please do not let anything happen to my family, friends or I and please forgive me for all of the lies I've told." Repeatedly, like she is a chronic liar. 

- The way that Bryar prays at dinner, "Jesus. Amen."

- How he squishes my face together to give me a kiss.. Or even lick me (ugh)

- When Charli goes to bed she always says, "Goodnight. I love you. I'll see you in the morning." 

- As Curtis arrives home from work Bryar excitedly runs to do the door to ask "to bad guys, Daddy?" 

There is so much good in the world. Wether it is in our homes, our work, churches or even schools. Sometimes we let the bad outweigh the good that we should all share but we should never forget the everyday miracles that God has given to us. 


  1. LOVE this post!! We are so blessed and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that gets "puppy kisses" from their son :)


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loves & hugs