
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1/14/15 - "The Bad C Word" Surgery Day

The day has come where my family is sitting together in a waiting room with no available seats, smashed together, just to wait. We never thought our family would face a journey like the one that came to us in August. It's been one hard to explain as a Mother and hard to understand as a daughter.  "The Bad C Word" has made a man turn into a better man. A wife turn into an extraordinary wife and Christians find their way more into the depth of the Lord's love. 

Last night we spent the night of our small family of four in a hotel room for the first time together, since I was expecting Charli Beth. We laughed so hard that we cried. At one point, I even laughed so hard that water came out of my nose. Even though it was an extremely unpleasant moment, it is the everlasting memory that will stand out to categorize as a wonderful night. A night where cancer showed up in some aspects but didn't make us worry. We loved and made our time together, wonderful. 

That is something about my Dad that I can always say that he is. Wonderful. We laugh together and the jokes can carry us into many more days of just lying smiles directly on our faces. 

Thoroughout this journey both of my parents have inspired me to do and be better in my daily life. Their joy in loving one another, and spending precious amounts of time just to love is something that I believe we could all take lessons from. You could find them on a Saturday morning placing Thank You signs on their vehicles for taking the extra work to lessen stress on the other. On a weekday after an oncology appointment they could be found sharing ice cream at new joint, just because they could. They worshipped together and wrotes notes to one another dialy just to inspire; to show love. 

It's amazing things like this that we each take forgranted during our daily walks of life. 

It's difficult to watch someone that you love go through a not so ordinary journey of life. But to find joy, is the best thing you can do for yourself and the one(s) you love. 

During these morning hours I've witnessed a man of faith. One who wouldn't let surgeons or anesthialogy take him into surgery without praying with every one of them while my Mom was present. A man that has a positive outlook either way this goes and knows that his victory lies within The Lord. It's a truly remarkable experience that has set my emotions on a roller coaster of being happy within one moment, and being a sap the next. 

As my Mom came from sending him off to surgery she gave my sister and  each a I note that he had written to us. Although, while my Mom silently read her note I completely drowned myself in tears. I'm not one to cry. I'm especially not a girl to cry infront of a room of individuals that I know, and some I do not know at all. Even just looking at the front of the letter my eyes well with tears. But it's the selfless man like this that we love so much. The one who is facing mountains, but is more concerned for the ones who love him. The man who didn't have to love us, but chose to love us instead and has more of a heart to care about our emotions, rather than his own. That my friends, is the difficult part. Seeing someone so selfless, giving up so much of theirselves to make sure that his "girls" have an okay day of waiting, and not having to worry as much. 

The surgery will last around 6-8 hours, and at this point I am assuming it will be complete around 4 today. So I ask that each of you pray with us. Pray that the mountains of the cancer will be removed, and at the end of the day no matter the out come we still chose joy while worshipping The Lord. 


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs