
Monday, January 18, 2016

Our Hopeful Miracle

Beginnings are scary no matter the circumstance that you are facing. We strive to overcome the fear or anxiety as we begin new chapters. The way that each person deals with fear is an extrodinary thing. During moments of worry or anxious feeling, my family typically has the power to laugh out the feelings. 

As we prepared to send off our Dad to Sara Cannon Research Insitute, my sister and I decided to invade their hotel room for a night of fun. In moments of worrisome, my happiness falls back into the moments that we've spent together laughing until we cry. Last night proved to be no different. Thanks to Headbandz we were all frustrated with our lame guesses and rolling into tears within minutes.

Since I'll never be Pamela Anderson or ever guess Kolbe Bryant on my own, I assume it's safe to say that I suck at this game. Heck, we all do but big Papa bear that watches so much history channel for the entire world. Then again, my sister has an IQ of an nuerosuregon so maybe we were all suffering from the giggles and just needed the laughs. 

This morning started off with a PET scan. Although the results haven't come in, we've now been inside Sara Cannon since 9 this morning waiting. Hurry up and wait, is the ultimate phrase used within medical fields. Then you look around with everyone you come in contact with, and pray for nothing but time.

Medical institutions as we are in, are such a sombering reminder of how grateful we should be for the life we given. The smiles that surrounds so many faces today of the frail, tired and loved is quiet astonishing. The staff is wholesome and even though families are quiet, you can see the love they continuously outpour. 
As I sat today I heard a man tell his son while out of breath that he "just isn't in shape any longer." While the son knew in his mind that it was much more than the growing age of his (seemingly) young Father, you could see the heartache he had as he patted him on the back. 

This isn't the place we choose to share memories with our families. But if this what it takes, I will be blessed with them. The moments in our lives are only as great as we make them. I can only hope that as the days grow long and weary that my parents continue to remember this. The love that they share is such a remarkable testimony as to what love is. We should all strive to be more like this in our daily relationships. Laughter, love and solid friendships are the easiest ways to get through difficult moments.

As of right now it's 2:49 p.m. and his first antibody clinical trial treatment is delayed {for now} because his blood pressure continues to stay low. I'm fairly certain that if I were still a low blowing, hard headed teenager then I could help this situation. 

It's now ten minutes later, and the green light has been given to start this treatment. The look of relief has calmed this room and he's ready to start! It's quiet exciting once again for him to be selected out of 120 individuals nationwide to start. As he stated earlier today, "This is better than the lottery to be selected." I agree, what a blessing. 

The next 90 minutes as the treatment begins to enter his body, life will hopefully start to change. Hope is being instilled and we will {try to} patiently wait as this process begins. Both of my parents are such troopers as they've been sitting all day. I can wholesomely state that I've never been more proud of them than these days we are living in. 

I pray that this test turns to be a testimony. If not for us, then someone. I want his heart to be satisfied with feeling of fulfillment with every process that he steps into. I can only ask that you pray for my parents during these long days. That their bordem continues to be filled with light. Sickness strays away and life just blessed them both with complete happiness. 

Here goes nothing... the start to our hopeful miracle. 


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs