
Monday, March 14, 2016

{Hopeful} Sleep Apnea Cure

Adenoids, tonsils, gallbladders, appendix... Four items I'm really unsure why God ever put into our bodies. No, I'm not questioning his format or abilities. I'm just sitting here in bed slightly in an overcast of Mombie mode. Where I'm not sure if I'm tired, or dying. But I lay here thinking that we are full of different items like wisdom teeth that really have no wonderful use within bodies. 

Maybe they're all within to test us. Test our courage, strength and even finances. Because I'm fairly certain I now owe my right kidney to the billings departments that will soon be sending their greetings. 
But maybe, hopefully it is all worth it. We hope that the years of no sleep, the gasping for air, snoring like a big ole' jake break that's been on for far too long will soon come to an end.

Bryar had his tonsils and adenoids removed on Thursday, March 10 due to sleep apnea. He was brave and courageous, while we were a tad overly nervous. We've never had a child under anesthesia, and even through the blessing it can truly make you nervous. If I recall correctly Curtis even compared Bryar to Gunner under anesthesics, just incase there was a cardiac event. It's funny how our brains think of everything even though we have no more of a medical background than EMT. 

We were surrounded by family and pastors through the morning. Which helped settle nerves greatly. The surgery didn't last long at all and in a short time they were calling me to come back. As I entered the PACU doors, I could hear my boy crying and coughing. 

Once again, my Husband refered to me as a cow looking for her bawling calf. I found him at last. He was clueless coming back to reality all while feeling a lump within his throat. After a few minutes of letting things settle down, he quickly enjoyed a banana popsicle. Around twenty minutes later he was moved into another unit where we met up with family. All was well until he eventually realized he had an IV within his arm. The kid is not one for blood, needles or bandaids. So we coached him into drinking, peeing a lot and then it was able to be removed. He had a sweet nurse who even made slushies from popsicles to keep the fluids going. 

By the time we were able to leave and head home, Bryar was already asking for chips and cookies. Uh oh. It almost never occurred to me what kind of struggle it would be for him to not eat crunchy he's items for a while. He settled for more slushies and movies while relaxing. 

He tricked us by sleeping the entire first night all the way through. I thought it was a miracle until night two, three and four set in. Which has been the same ole' struggle, in which we hope gets better. His throat gets stiff and sore while laying down, then he wakes confused. But even through the lack of sleep and low grade temperatures he has overall felt okay.  He's played, ate and drank as decently as we could ask. 

He went to school today since I am there in his classroom with him. I could tell through his eyes that he didn't feel, "so well" but be stuck it out like a champ. At the end of the day I treated both kids to ice cream since it was such a beautiful day. 

All was fun until I had to snatch the cone away from him because I noticed the crunchy cone. 

Update 3/18
I posted the original post on a Tuesday night. After hitting submit I went to sleep, like I typically do after releasing all of my thoughts into this small screen. Around 3 a.m. while trying to console a very pouty Bryar, I turned on his closet light to find him covered in blood. I instantly rushed him to the bathroom to get a better look and start cleaning him up. While in there I noticed that his nose was still slightly bleeding. Which of course sent me into panic mode of yelling for Curtis to get the hospital papers. 
Bryar was shaking and was just so tired but we made him stay awake while we called his ENT. I felt incredibly terrible for waking him in the middle of the night but our instructions stated to call with any sign of blood loss coming from the nose. Dr. Morris reassured us that all was okay unless we could see bleeding in his mouth. I ended up letting him go and trying I settle Bryar back to sleep, until we noticed blood in his mouth. 
Of course we instantly called him back and headed to the ER. After seeing the triage nurse she stated that it was lightly bleeding. So we waited an hour and a half. I decided that I could no longer take the germs and was fairly certain the hacking was making my husband blood pressure race upwards as well. So, I asked he nurse to check his bleeding again. At that time is was no longer actively bleeding and we made the decision to head home. 
Curtis stayed home with him while I went to work. The ENT called to check on him several times before we went in to see him that afternoon. Thankfully, he said that everything looked great and his bleeding didn't make sense, and he couldn't tell what it was. We were so thankful for this as we've been trying to be super careful. 

It's been over a week since surgery and his scabs are still intact. He seems to be getting better each day and his fever seemed to have broke on that long Tuesday night. We just drove home from my parents house and I could've cried to still hear him snoring. So I will head to bed now, and pray that this is still from inflammation and his apnea is cured. 

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for your little man, hoping he's feeling better, and sleeping soundly real soon.
    I am new to your blog, and hope you don't mind me asking how your Dad is doing?


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loves & hugs