
Thursday, July 30, 2009

What I've been up to this week!


Every year my Mother and I have a yard sale to clean out totes and closets and make room for more "precious junk." Along with that, every single year I state that I have "never seen so many clothes for one little girl in my life" you would think by now that I would get the hint! I can't help it though, shopping for Miss Priss is probably one of my favorite things to do! I'm sure that all of you agree with this! Our sale is on Saturday, and there is a chance of rain but hopefully we will still have an awesome turn out being that I have advertised in the newspaper, myspace and facebook!


I took a break today from the yard sale items to go have my hair done =) I have finally found the color that I love..finally! I got highlights and low lights of a light brown, which worked perfect for my crazy thick head!

Tuesday night my Dad was asked to go help a friend move a bed, come to find out they gave me a sleep number full size bed. Yes, you did read that right! They did give me a bed, and it is a full size bed. I am now thankfully able to sleep on a bed comfortably! Wasn't that so very sweet of them?!

Yesterday I received this in the mail =)

Not the world's best two pictures of yours truly but look at that adorable Vera Bradley bag. Thank you Kristen so much, you will never know how thankful I am to not only receive this bag but know you through blog world =) You are a very wonderful woman and have inspired my life in so many ways through your blog and emails in this short time that we have came across one another blogs!

I have so many other things to post about but I'm wore out! Not to mention I have tons to do tomorrow before working third and yard sale saturday morning after work! Hope you ladies have had a wonderful week!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Last of the VBS pictures, NOT ME's

I thought I would join in on the fun too...

These are the pictures from Charli's bible school program last night! Thank so much to Nana for taking the pictures for me again! Notice how big her shirt is? Poor kiddo! haha. But she sure does look adorable in it!

& the Not Me's...
I did not just tell EMS that a lady's stomach was on fire and she felt like she was going to pass out then quickly correct myself and tell them she really wasn't on fire, she just felt like it. EMS did not call me to make fun of me and tell me I should probably send a fire department to her. I did not spend to much money once again on my daughter, because she does not have to many clothes as it is! I did not forget to buckle Charli up after her jumping in the car while I checked on her tomatoes! She quickly reminded me though, what a good girl she is for that! I did not just want to tell this person to stop calling the police department just because you used to work here and want to talk to the guys. Because I could really not care less. I am not fixing to go home, change, and go to the track to run because I did not just possibly put in for the job of my life. Nope not this girl.

Here are all of the kids singing and doing the dance moves to "Jesus lifts me up when I get down ..get down" I love this dance, and plan to video tape Charli Beth singing it!

This is her teacher Regina, giving out her awards and art projects!

I'm glad that all of the children had such a great time this past week!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday School

This morning at church we had a very unexpected guest, which is pretty rare but very exciting for some. I'm still getting adjusted into East Willow Church and still don't comprehend how much larger it is than other churches that I have attended. We had congressmen Ed Whitfield attending Sunday School services this morning with his field representative Sandy. I've never personally met Mr. Whitfield before, and we all know it just had to be on a day that I looked like I had not slept in days and horribly dressed. Sadly, I was introduced as working at the Police Department, so now I've probably made everyone here look bad. Opps!! Brother Danny said that he is one of the most God fearing men that he knows. What a blessing to have someone in politics like this! I thought they were all "a big sack of Bologna" but I guess the Lord proved me wrong once again this morning! He seems to be exactly what Bro. Danny described and it is so very nice to know that we have men in Washington that are on the Christian side.

By the way, my little/big girl looked adorable at church today. I wish that we would of had time to snap a picture of her before we left but I'm such a huge procrastinator whenever it comes to getting ready! Although here is a picture of the adorable dress that she was wearing =) which is made by Le Top, it also has a hat that goes with it. The picture does not do it justice with how adorable she was with this blue dress on and her big blue eyes.
Have I told you all lately that I miss my girl being small and not so wild? LOL! She is definitely giving us all a run for our money now days!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Show us your life - Wedding Dress Editions (just dreaming ppl!!)

This week over at Kelly's Korner is wedding dresses, but since we all know that dear ole' Paige over here is no where even close to being married and never has been ... I'll just dream for now!

I plan to have a fall wedding. I just love fall. It's the most beautiful time of the year in Kentucky, and really flows with the country life I plan to live. (Don't you just love how I'm making my "iffy" words bold! Lol, I just know that God sometimes has different plans for our lives that we usually do! Amen?)

I hope it's a crisp, beautiful, day whenever the fall air is just perfect, no humidity, just a casual breeze. Thinking about this day is like a whirlwind of different emotions to me, esp. since I just can't seem to get it right whenever I would love to make it for Charli Beth and our future. Just know, it's going to be the most beautiful day and I will be a beautiful bride, marrying the most handsome man ever and that is all that matters =)

For my dress, I would want something cream or ivory. Since I won't really be you're "average blushing bride" but I will probably change my mind and go with white. I have never put to much thought into a dress, because I am wayyy to picky and couldn't ever imagine what I would for sure want. But I think I want a dress that is tight at the top and big at the bottom, but very classy. I would also want something with a little bit of a vintage look to mix together with the fall & country. It has been hard work trying to sneak and find a few pictures that I really like while at work because if one of the officers were to come in and see this they would be very confused. They make fun of me here and call me the "heart breaker" since it never seems to work. (It will one day though)Just be prepared if I ever do get married, my decisions will probably changed about a million and seventeen times!

I want to share with you some links of a few bloggers that I thought were just oh so lovely and have the fall theme that I think is amazing! I will probably update more blogs later after I have time to go through some more of the links from Kelly's Korner.

1. This wedding is stunning, I mean it's everything that I could ever dream of!
Timeless Paper
2. Wow is all I can say. I love that she is wearing boots and this dress and look at the scenery!

My gracious you people amaze me with how beautiful everyone of you are in your weddings and how creative they are!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vacation Bible School


From Sunday night until last night Charli Beth has been attending vacation bible school at Clifton General Baptist! This is a very small church completely out in the middle of nowhere and they had 28 kiddos, which I think is amazing! Charli has always had a blast at the different bible schools she has attended but this one is very special being that she has been all three years and they have watched not only myself but her grow up too! Since I have left this church it's always been a bit "odd" to go back and visit but thankfully there are always a certain few that makes us feel at home again.
Each night during their praise services they would say "God is powerful," "God is with us," "God gives us life" and the kids would yell "FEAR NOT" (well Charli says "ear not" but hey she got the point!) This was super cute, and something that has already stuck with her anytime we say the Lord's name to her!

The posters are from Charli's classroom to remind them of the "FEAR NOT" slogan! One of the nights the children colored pictures to send to the solders over seas. They had their picture made all together so that it can be printed and turned into the newspaper! What a great blessing this will be to the ones that receive this. I think it would be a great idea to send this picture along with them, so they can see our Kentucky cuties =)
For the last night of VBS, Charli Beth's class made fingerprint backpacks and t-shirts! This was a lot of work for 2 & 3 year old but oh so much fun!
Sorry that I took this picture sideways or upside down! Lol, I'm not sure what I was doing!

Have I mentioned lately that I feel so very sorry for Char that she doesn't have a creative Momma? I tried though!
Sometimes I truly think she isn't mine!! Seriously. The girl screams, cries and shakes all over at bugs or anything to the sort and cannot stand to have her hands dirty! Ahh, what have I got myself into!! LOL

I am one very blessed Momma to have an amazing little girl that is already so into learning about Christ and how he gave his life for us! Thank goodness for the great family that I have too, Char an I would both be in such a bind w/ our lives if it wasn't for them! I can't forget the teachers and all that volunteered this past week too. They spent so much time and effort into this bible school for these children, and it turned out perfect. I'm very grateful for them also, they are all so great with these kiddos and do so many different things for them! Charli Beth will never forget her bible school days and she wouldn't have had the opportunity to go if it wasn't for Nana and Pa. {Thank you all so very much! I'm sure I can never explain how wonderful it is to have you all here to help and teach Charli.}

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wish List Wednesday!

I've been looking for another "perfect" swimsuit to tag along in my suitcase with us to Florida next month. I think this is pretty adorable myself, simple yet cute. I may be wrong and it may be horrible but I think it could be perfect for tanning and chasing after a crazy three year old. Any suggestions on cute one pieces?? Oh, I'll add in that I would also take her beautiful long blond hair and perfect eyebrows =) haha!

Money cannot buy this but more of these!!! You can never have to many friends!
This is a picture of my first friend that I made whenever I moved to the "ville." From then on he practically became my best friend. This is the day that I moved into Western Kentucky Univ. which I'm sure that you can tell this is per-Charli Beth, because I would never wear a shirt showing off my belly now!! haha! Taylor and I hardly ever get a long although he is always there, no matter what and has stuck by me through so many years. My parents told me throughout high school that him and I would marry him but boy were they wrong...
Told ya so Momma! =)

My beautiful black car that looks like this one is never clean. I love my car and the color, but I think birds do too!

A jogging stroller would be perfect for the Charli girl and I. She loves for me to run in the one that we have but it starts shaking and sounds like it's going to fall apart. I really need to invest in one of these very soon. Any good ideas on one?

I love the car seat that we already have but I have been looking to buy a cover for almost a year now. I really love this one!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stunned in many ways.

I was recently blog hopping through all of my favorite blogs and came across Jewels and found out some disturbing news. Most of you are new followers to my blog but in the past I have talked about Jonathan White; a 15 yr old boy that was battling brain cancer. If you have had any contact or made any form of donation to the White family please be aware that they are fake. Here is a link connecting to the story that has been posted. This is such awful news, for all that loved, prayed and had a "friend" in this so called person. I feel myself has sent empty prayers up to the Lord for him, but now I will be praying a heart felt prayer for who ever this person is that they will never heart another soul.
I posted a few days ago about Kristen that was giving away a Vera Bradley bag for her 100th post!
and I won =) Yay for sweet people that are able to do these give-aways! I'm so excited. Now, I just need a cute wallet to go with it (or maybe 4 with each pattern?)Please go check out her blog, she is the sweetest girlie and has some great post!

Last night after work I was trying to send pictures to walmart dot com so that I can get caught up on Charli Beth's albums. I'm a bad Momma and have not printed any out since last June. I have 197 pictures so far to pick up. (That is going to cost an arm and leg and maybe even a thigh?!) I came across this picture of how Char's room was decorated in primitives before the hot pink and zebra came along. I kind of miss the neutral colors but her room is so pretty now! If I could only just get her to clean it! haha.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Funny girl


"A bicycle helmet is like a life jacket for your saves you" - Charli

I know that most toddlers are full of their selves and so funny, but my Charli is one funny little girl. She says the most out of the ordinary, random things at times and just leaves us looking at one another going "What? Where did that come from?" She is growing up so fast but I'm enjoying these funny days with her. I do have a feeling that she is always going to be a little "class clown" which could be a good thing and a bad thing in itself!


Charli is enjoying Vacation Bible School this week with her Nana and Pa. I hope she is having a blast! My Mom is taking plenty of pictures, so I will be sharing them at the end of the week. I on the other hand have finally received my state EMS number and now have applied for two EMS services for another part time job. Hopefully, I'll have one to start sometime next month, for now I'll patiently wait!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Charli Beth's Birthdays (all 3 years!!)

This is only the second time that I have been able to participate in Kelly's Korner blog, because this week is "Children's parties." We all know how much fun I always have planning and throwing Miss Charli's birthday parties! Leave some comments on what you think we should do next year or what games we could play! We always have the parties at a fire department in outside of our little town, and since the first year they have added a very nice playground area!

I've added them into slides so that I could show more pictures!

1st Birthday!

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday!!

Hope you enjoyed her first 3 bdays!! =) Have a great weekend!!