
Sunday, April 10, 2011

8 weeks and 5 days

I have been a horrible blogger lately with posting and comments but I promise that I will try better to start keeping up with information. I have been practically worthless the past three weeks. Curtis says that my room looks like something from hoarders because I have simply got out of bed, ran to the bathroom, then back to my room to change clothes. Ugh...

Since I've been in such a blogger funk lately, I seen these questions that Sarah (thank you!) posted and thought they would be great to use for my blog as well.

-How long have you known/When did you find out?
I found out that I was expecting on Sunday, March 13th. The two pink lines came up instantly, so I actually freaked out and thought that I did it wrong and took......5 more.

-How did you tell Curtis?
We wanted to find out together and as soon as I came out the look on my face told him everything. He just laughed and said "Well alright then" - he cracks me up! I absolutely love his laid back personality.

-How did you tell your families?
Oh me... As we can all tell this was not a planned pregnancy and something that we wanted but wanted to wait for. We told our parents separately mostly due to our work schedule conflicting and us wanting them to know and be apart of this journey as soon as possible. We both have amazing families that have given us 100% support and love.

-Have you been to the Dr. ?
As you can see from the ultrasound picture, we have been. I think we went on the 22 of march. I was exactly 7 weeks that day and the photo was horrible. We go back on the 25th and hopefully we will be able to hear little Jelly Bean's heartbeat!

-When are you due?
My due date is November 15! Which is exactly 20 days after my older sister Ashley's! How exciting is that! Although, my due date probably will not be accurate at all due to Miss CB being 6 weeks premature. My Dr has already started talking of these shots that I can start getting weekly at 20 weeks to prevent my cervix from thinning out so early on. (I went on bed rest with her at 27 weeks due to this.) But this idea makes me nervous, although we will be looking into it closer to time.

-How are you feeling?
Like death. Seriously. I am not able to vomit due to a surgery I had while I was an infant and morning sickness is never kind to me. The last two days have been better but at the beginning of the week I had to leave work twice due to feeling bad. If you follow me on twitter, you can probably notice that I've been a bit grumpy due to it. Sadly, I've also busted blood vessels in my left eye due to all of the "trying" to vomit.

-Does Charli Beth know?
She does! She found out the night that he proposed, which was a huge little time for her. Her little mind was going every where. But she is super excited about this new little family that we are starting and getting a Daddy is the best thing ever to her! She for sure knows this baby is a boy since I already have a girl!

-Is this pregnancy different than your last?
Not really. I found out earlier with this one so that has made it a little more difficult but other than that everything is just the same, so far.

-Do you want a boy or girl?
We honestly just want a healthy little Jelly Bean. Like Sarah said it's Cliche to say that, but it's the honest truth! I am sure that Curtis would like a boy so that he can stop being over whelmed with girls already but I know he will be just ecstatic for a girl too! =)

On Tuesday I will be 9 weeks but I will start my weekly updates later on in the pregnancy!

The rude comments are denied before they are ever published onto my blog, so if you're the person leaving them, you are clearly wasting your time darlin. ;)


  1. So happy for you! I hate that you are feeling so bad...hopefully that will pass in a few weeks. Take care!

  2. I TOTALLY understand your lack of blogging. I pretty much did nothing other than move from my bed to the couch the first few weeks:( Hope you start feeling better soon! Will your doctor put you on Zofran even if you're not throwing up? It doesn't take away all my nausea, but I'm able to function much better with it.

  3. I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time with sickness. That was by far the worst part for me. But hopefully it will end soon!

    Thinking of you!!

  4. Thinking of you during all this sickness your experiencing! I'm sure it's all worth it when you hold that bundle of joy in your arms.

    P.s. I cannot believe people are being so rude to ya with the comments. Geez.

  5. I hate that you have been so sick. You poor thing not being able to vomit and get it over with!!! I can't wait to read all of your little updates throughout your pregnancy!

  6. I hope you start feeling better soon and I'm so happy for you and CB!

    I love your ps! :)

  7. I am excited for you! It will be so nice for your sweet girl to have a brother or sister. As I speak Lillian and Thomas and chasing each other around the house! lol It is helpful to because with two they really entertain each other.

  8. such a special time for you all :o)

    im sorry you are so's no fun. both of my pregnancies were horrible with sickness. but, the end result makes it ALL worth it.

  9. How exciting!! I hope the sickness doesn't last too long!!


  10. OMG! I am so behind!! I just found out and I am so excited for you! CB is going to be a great big sister. How sad is that people would post negative comments! The Cobias are so extremely happy for you!

  11. I hope you start feeling better! I am so happy for y'all :)

  12. Hate that you haven't been feeling so well through this pregnancy. Hope it gets better for you. And thanks for posting the little info, I was curious to know how you found out. :) Take care girly.

  13. I sure hope you feel better soon!
    What are the shots that they give you? I had multiple shots with both Dylan and Lexie to stop preterm labor.

  14. SO exciting!! I will be praying for you during your pregnancy! Hope you start feeling better!! And I know Charli will be the sweetest big sister:) So happy for you two!!

  15. I totally understand how that "all day" sickness can affect you! Ugh! I hope you get to feeling better! I can't wait to see some belly pics! I'm just so happy for you.

  16. Feel better...and I'm sorry you are dealing with rudeness. Good for you for not publishing them.

  17. Bless your heart. I can't imagine feeling sick, yet not being able to get sick. Yuck! Hope you get to feeling better soon! So happy for your new little family!

  18. SOO sorry that you are sick...I hope that it gets better soon. BUT, we know that it is SOOO worth it.

    I cant believe that someone is leaving rude comments.....what the heck?!?! Proud of you for ignoring them!!

    Love you xoxoxoxo

  19. Hi! I'm not sure if you remember me or not, but you commented on my blog back in Feb and I just saw your comment on mine. Congratulations to you on all your big events! I love reading your blog, it's so heartwarming. Again, Congrats and God Bless! :)

  20. Congrats!!!!Hope you feel better soon;)


Thank you for stopping by my blog and keeping up with this amazing journey that we call life! God Bless!
loves & hugs