
Friday, April 15, 2011

Family Birthday Party

April 6th was Charli Beth's big number 5! Usually on her birthday we have cake with the family members and then celebrate with a party the following weekend. This was the first year that I have had to work on her birthday, which made me exteremly sad (I think I was a bit emotional to the fact that this is her last birthday as an only child too. I'm strange maybe?)


  1. How cute! I remember being an emotional wreck when Autumn turned two (I was 5 weeks pregnant with Aubrey) because it was her last birthday as on only child. HA! I thought I was a bit crazy! Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks like that!

  2. I was hoping to read an update from you guys soon:) Hope Charli had a wonderful birthday & that you are doing well!

  3. She looks so happy! And don't fee lbad, I'd be sad kinda too.

  4. How fun!! Looks like she had a great time :)

  5. Happy birthday Charli!!! Looks like it was a great time. BTW, this pregnancy I cry about everything!!

  6. How is she with the American Girl dolls? Abby turns 5 in August, and I just LOVE those dolls. I've been waiting to get some for her until I think she will put some effort in to taking care of them! ha!

  7. Kendra has that same bday cake at one of our family parties! Looks like she had a wonderful time!

  8. Man her hair is getting so long! Such a pretty girl! Looks like y'all had fun!

  9. What a cutie, you aren't strange you are a mom!

    Kelli @


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