
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Louisville Zoo.

Last weekend we enjoyed a trip the the Lousiville. We had decided to go only a few days before for my birthday outing. My birthday was on 9/11 but all of our family members were very busy. I figured that the boy would really enjoy seeing the animals and Charli is studying habitats at school. 

The weather was absolutely perfect and this trip made me even more excited about fall trips together. 

Bryar loves every time of animal. He really enjoys looking at books and hearing our made up animal noises. His favorite animal of the day was probably the lion. Or maybe I am just saying that because it was mine? Ha! 

Charli loved being our, "your guide" and hosted everyone around the areas. She would tell us the names and all about the animals. She loves to be a girl in charge.

His new "cheese" face cracks us up to no end. We are constantly taking his picture now just to see this. 

As we were walking a long Curtis must have thought this was a precious moment and asked for a photo. Usually the only time we can get these moments in, are to do "one two three." He is really becoming such a fun little squirt. 

We sadly did not get to many photos of the three kids together. The toddlers were running all over. But it was so much fun enjoying our time together. 

I have always loves the Gorilla habitats at this zoo. You can walk into a large room and get practically up close and personal with them. There was one names Helen that was celebrating her 50th birthday. She was an old grouch though. 

To end our zoo trip we took a train ride around the park. Bryar loves trains and yelled, "coo coo" the entire time. It was totally worth the $7. 

When we left the zoo, I was able to pick dinner. I was so torn between The Whistle Stop and The Cheesecake Factoey. 

As you can see I picked The Cheesecake Factory since I will be going to The Whistle Stop in October. 

As always the food was absolutely delicious. Bryar as you can see loved the cheesecake too. I ended up having to get it to go because his hands were much quicker at grabbing whip cream, than mine were to stop him. 

It was such a wonderful day spending time together. I am so thankful and have always been blessed with a close knit family.

The next day we celebrated Sunday dinner with my in laws. She lets the birthday person pick their lunch and cake. The past two years I have picked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, apples biscuits and gravy. The cake was chocolate with white icing. Talk about heavens, if was so great! 


  1. Love that gorilla pic! Precious!
    Happy Late Birthday!

  2. What a great day! I love all the pictures. Your family is adorable!!!


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loves & hugs