
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dr. Seuss Story time

This morning Charli Beth and I headed to the Target in Bowling Green for their Dr. Seuss story time in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday that is coming up! I really felt silly taking Charli to something that I had made sound like so much fun with no one else being there! haha. Just my luck! Then after two books the kiddos finally started piling in.
After I have no idea how many books because I was about to loose my mind, the children started getting antsy but Charli B was doing fairly well until we seen other families leaving then I knew it was our time to escape too. They handed out Target lunch sacks filled with snacks and coloring pages, which really helped a lot of the kids sit still (including mine!)

We also got to meet a lovely blogger Morgan that thankfully recognized us whenever she came in! Her and her little boy are super adorable and SO incredibly sweet! I am so happy that she went out of her way to say hello! I absolutely LOVE meeting new people, and especially if they are bloggers that I feel like I already know so well! You guys should go by Morgan's blog and leave her some love!
After we bought a few books at Target we headed to Chick-Fil-A because I was a horrible Mommy and didn't fix breakfast. What can I say though, CB and I like our sleep!?! CB always makes such cute friends at Chick-Fil-A although she is absolutely horrible about eating their food, unless it's the fruit cup. I swear my kid is anti-fast food. Which is a wonderful thing but she is always asking to go there, so whats a Mom to do?!
We ended up going to the store from Hell{o} (A.K.A. Walmart) to get some groceries and I decided to let CB get the movie Rapunzel since it was on sale. Whenever I left to come into work this afternoon, she had a receiving blanket clipped to her hair saying "Hello, I've let my hair down for you!" and was walking around in high heels. Oh me....what a handful of girliness we deal with =)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How does a cowgirl sleep?

With her horse, of course!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rodeo & Valentines Party

Saturday night Charli Beth, 5oh and I headed to the rodeo at Western's ag expo. This has always been a yearly Valentines date for Charli B and I, but this year we just made it even better by adding him into the picture.

Charli is slightly obsessed with her cowgirl hat right now {Thanks to Jessica and her sister again for getting it for her} and even though it keeps riding her up little noggin' and sitting up like a baseball cap, she will not take it off. But isn't she just the cutest thing, ever?!

All of the rodeos has really got Charli into the cowgirl thing now more than ever. Her teacher asked her what she wanted to be whenever she grew up and her reply was a "bull rider." ha. Momma will have to put her foot down about that one. Just sayin'...
On Tuesday, CB's preschool decided to have their Valentines party since they missed school all last week due to the lovely snow that we received. Her class made ice cream sundaes and listened to stories. Charli also got to help Ms. Lesley with songs and clapping out names because she is the "helper."

Charli Beth's lovely little master piece that is hanging outside her class.
Their Valentines bags were to be decorated with things or people that they love, and also with stickers or other items.
Charli added pictures of her youth group, music, ballet, soccer, her best friend Kaylen, her Mommy and Gunner.

They had already handed out their Valentine cards earlier that morning so after they ate their sundaes and sung songs, we left & headed to eat Chinese! Yum!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I gots my hair "did"

Want to know what the real life of Paige & Charli Beth looks like?
Yes, Charli likes to run around in a tank and panties.
& I do like to tell her that she looks like she is wearing a wife beater whenever she wears it.
Yes, I let my hair go sloppy for hours after waking up on my days off.
& Yes, Charli makes fun of me for it daily.

But I did get my hair "did" on Friday...

Horrible photo of it, but you get the point...

If you're looking for a new blog to follow, hop on over to Sarah's blog {the button isn't working for me, so please click on her name to get to her blog} and follow her journey in adoption from Ethopia! She is a super sweet girl from the lovely state of {yes you guessed it} Kentucky! She could most of all use your prayers during this process along with anyone else adopting.

1. The fact that I am off work tomorrow and Friday
2. The gorgeous weather and lovely temperatures we have been having in southern Kentucky this week! Spring is around the corner people!
3. Some exciting news for my family
4. My wonderful boyfriend, that is always there for me and sends me the sweetest text messages during the day exactly whenever I need a "pick me up."
5. Gunner (his dog) which I have become seriously attached to lately.
6. My sweet precious girl that likes to act like a dog constantly. ha!
7. That I finally got to wash my car today & there is not any damage from where I may have bumped into that car whenever it snowed! haha.
8. My instructor let us bring our quiz home to bring back next week. Craziest thing, I had ever heard but I won't complain =)
9. Did I mention that I'm off work tomorrow? ha.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Our 1st & 5th Valentines Day!

I have never been a girl to make Valentines day a huge deal, although yesterday I must admit that was pretty amazing. My parents were always wonderful about sending flowers to school and giving us candies at home to make our day feel special. So I guess it's in my blood to do the same with Charli Beth. Although, we were not allowed to send special treats for our children to the school. I let her open her gifts before we headed out yesterday morning and then took her a rose whenever we picked her up. She was the sweetest little thing, ever.

She also received a bear, a card and stickers from her Pa & a bear from 5oh!
She wore her Valentines outfit from the photo-shoot which was made by Sew Much Love Designs.We stayed the weekend at 5oh's house since he was working third shift and I was off, but we had plans that kept us busy in his town. We went to the rodeo on Saturday night and whenever we came home, he had to leave straight for work.

I wanted to give him his "surprise" because I had been telling him that I had one for a week or so. {I honestly hadn't planned for it to be a Valentines gift, it just fell that way.} So whenever he came to his house for "lunch" I went ahead and gave it to him. I wasn't expecting to receive such a beautiful necklace in return. I'm pretty sure that it stomped all over my corny gift to him! ha!

We honestly spent Valentines day napping because I have an awful cold and having lunch at the local Mexican restaurant in my town so we could pick CB up from school on time.

I had to come into work yesterday afternoon and was surprised with flowers! I am t-totally in love with the fact that he remembered how much I hate roses. I thought they were cute and very spring like! co-worker told me they were very pretty and look just like the flowers that were in her daughter in laws casket.
I had no words to say to that! hahaha.

After I left work last night, I drove to his house and baked valentines cookies and watched a movie. Even though I felt bad I wouldn't have had it any other way. He truly is amazing.After I came to work yesterday, CB surprised me with a cute cupcake from Gigi's. these things are delish!
She also had the prettiest flowers and card set out for me yesterday morning as well - I failed to get a photo though!
This is the photobook that I made 5oh for his surprise! I don't mind for anyone to take a look at it, I would just follow the instructions that I posted below!

Click here to view this photo book larger

If you plan to view the photo book, click the link to view it larger. Then go to full screen view and then the single page view icon (which is the icon that is a single square.) Some of the "reasons" are very hard to read so I'll list them =)

*The way you love me
*Your smile
*Your blue eyes
*The butterflies that I get whenever you kiss me
*The love that you have for Charli Beth & the way you are with her
*The determination that you have, in everything you do
*Your dorky laugh whenever you act goofy
*How you hold my hand whenever you're driving
*The smile you had on your face the night that Charli told you that she loves you
*How you never gave up on us
*How you look up to your Father, and admire your Mother
*Your temper; how protective you are of your loved ones
*Your obsession for Gus McCrae
*How particular you are about your uniform
*Your love for gunner man.
*When you sing while you're driving
*How excited you & Gunner get about "catching the bad guys"; the love you have for your career

There is a letter at the end of it that you can read if you want. It's sappy and corny, but hey that's how love goes right?!

Thank you to everyone whether it was my family, boyfriend, blog friend or friendly passer by that made my Valentines day as special as it was for CB and I both!

Happy Valentines Day!

We love because he first loved us - 1 John 4:19

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentines Craft

I came home from work last night and this was hanging on our outside door. Charli Beth and Mom called me earlier during the night and told me that she was really excited that she had made me a surprise. You never know what kind of "surprise" that may come from Charli B {usually that is the word she says after she I'm not kidding either}

But this just melted my heart. I love how she wrote the little notes on the piece of paper, and how she tried to draw a heart on the front. Her writing is improving every day it seems. She really does have the most wonderful preschool teachers. I wish she could stay with them for a few more years. We are really going to miss them whenever CB heads off to Kindergarten!

It was so sweet of Mom to help CB make this for me! I'll never forget all of the wonderful "Mom crafts" that she always did for my sister and I whenever we were children. She truly is wonderful (be jealous..)

We do not exactly have big plans for the Valentines day, especially due to the snow that we have received today. But our yearly tradition of the rodeo is most defiantely happening on Saturday! Hopefully little miss will be over her cold by then! It seems like she catches on every year during this time. But the crazy Kentucky weather that we are fixing to experience is probably going to make us all sick. It was a high of 25 today, and by Monday it is suppose to be in the upper 50's. Gotta love the south!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What does this mean to you?

"To see the beauty of the mountains, you must first go through the valleys."
-Bro. Lonnie {preacher man}

During the sermon on Sunday morning, I was playing/fighting with Charli Beth a lot to get her quiet or to keep her occupied. I'm sure that most of you know what that is like, especially if you go to a smaller church that does not have a nursery. Sometimes, I question why I even go to church whenever I am not able to hear what Preacher Man is saying. But this Sunday, I knew that I was there for so many reasons.

The quote that I posted above, hit me like a ton of bricks. Yes, I am Christian but each and everyone of us fail. After hearing this I feel so very selfish for being all about "me" and complaining so much about my past, and especially my most recent past. Heartaches are hard, there is no way around that. Each and everyone of us have had our fair share of them. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we should realize this way before we let our trouble consume our lives.

I was so wrong for always being so down about things that were going on in my life, and the past that was haunting me. I have realized in just a few weeks, that people will not always let you down, but troubles will always find you and you will always be haunted by something that you have done in the past. What matters the most is that you learn to let these things go.

So for today, I am letting go of my past troubles, heartaches, mistakes and so forth. I'm not saying that I will never complain. Because the Lord knows that I would be lyin'. But my future is so much brighter and more beautiful than all of the silliness that I have ever put myself through in the past.

I would like to know what this quote means to you...

I am wanting to add in the video to Eminem's "not afarid" lyrics to this post, but that would be a tiny bit contradicting in a sense! haha.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Phone photos from the week

Embarrassing picture of yours truly!

I fell asleep on my bed with CB laying next to me and a few minutes later she shook me and said look what I did to you Momma!

I guess this is payback for all of the hilarious pictures I have of her?!

I bought a acer aspire one notebook for CB and I to play around on from a friend this week, for a pretty lovely deal. So far it's been amazing and she loves playing on it!

This picture is in no way promoting the use of cell phones (in any way) while driving. ha!

Sunday, I was able to go to church with my family, which is always a blessing and not to mention it was such a beautiful Kentucky day. The sermon was amazing this week, and one of his quotes has been on my heart pretty heavy since then. "To see the beauty of the mountains, you must first get through the valleys." It just reminded me of every hard time that I have had in the past, and how blessed I really am.
After church CB and I had a "girl date" at the new mexico (Rey San Jose) in town. I have to admit that I am a huge fan of it! Their prices and food is heavenly compared to our other restrauant.

But really, in our itty bitty town with 5 stoplights, why do we need 2 mexican restaurants, 3 fast food, 2 "ma & pop" restaurants, 8 banks, 7 gas stations. It's pure craziness I tell ya!

CB before heading to preschool this morning drinking her yogurt.

After seeing how perfect CB was in her big girl booster that 5oh bought for his truck, I had to buy one for my car too. It's perfect and so much easier! But then it hit me while I was carrying her old car seat to the house, that my little girl is growing up way to fast.........

I added a Facebook gadget that will take you to our FB page for Mommy & Charli. You can "like" it to stay better connected with us! =)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The best weekend, ever.

Pretty much the title of this post can sum up everything that I am about to blog, so if you skip all of the writing and look at the pictures, it's totally understandable!

Friday night CB and 5oh went on their first "date" together. This has been in the planning since the first time that we all went to eat together when Charli poked him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, can me & you go on a date together sometime? Just me and you, not Mom!" It was practically cute and she had been reminding us daily that they were going on date alone.

At first, I was very skeptical and didn't want to push him into doing anything "to early." Yeah, I know what in the world am I talking about, "rushing things" seems to be my middle name lately. But he was all up for it and even bought a booster seat so that she could start riding places with him more often (What a keeper!)

So Friday afternoon, I dropped CB off with him at the bowling alley while I headed to Target and yes I am a horrible Mommy and forgot to get a photo of them before their date. They eventually made their way over to the grocery store to pick up brownie mix and a few other things that we would need that night for our pizza, movie & junk food night. Whenever I called to tell him how long it would be for the pizza was ready, I could hear CB asking for candy in the back ground, the check out register beeping and tons of other people in the background. Before I could even get "25 minutes out," 5oh quickly told me that he was starting to stress and would call me right back. I immediately hung up and busted out laughing, called my Mom and told her that he was having his first Dad moment. haha! He called back a few minutes later calm, cool, and collective!

Whenever they got home we started watching Alpha & Omega, while they finished up their date night by making brownies together. Once again, I was not allowed to help so I stood off to the side and snapped pictures of how hard they working at making the perfect desert.
They were actually really really good! Great job to my loves.

Charli told 5oh that she loved him that night and completely caught us off guard. At first, my heart sank to my feet because I felt like I was slapped in the face from where she was hurt by previous break up. But whenever he turned around with the biggest smile, I had ever seen him give, I knew that her love for him was safe. I then thought I could cry because I had just witnessed the sweetest, most precious thing ever - something I have dreamed about.

On Saturday, we were suppose to head out to Loretto, KY to a rodeo even that he was bullfighting in but I was suddenly hit with the surprise that we were meeting his entire family for lunch before. I was a nervous wreck but thankfully it only lasted a few minutes. Thanks to Charli giving me a speech about how when "she is nervous, she just tries to act normal." His family was super sweet and I was so happy to be able to meet them!

I was walking through the kitchen before we left to meet his family and seen these two standing on the back porch having the biggest conversation. I instantly knew I had to snap a picture of the cuteness!
The cowgirl/cowboy duo.
CB doesn't understand that her cowgirl hat needs to lay on her head and not raised up.
I must admit that I was pretty amazed at this, I had never seen someone take care of bullriders like 5oh and the other guy did. He eventually got hit by a bull while trying to get a rider out of the way and I'm not kidding I almost threw up {If it were possible.} He must love adrenaline rushes because I can just tell you know that my big rear end would not be out there doing that!

However, I thought Charli B looked pretty darn cute standing up on the rails watching the action take place!
Like I said the title of this post pretty much said it all. I cannot wait to have many more of these weekends. Although, I'm pretty sure I may die if I ever see him get hit again. yikes!