Thursday, May 31, 2012
Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee Don't Sting Me!
So, there just happened to be a wasp on Bryar's bedroom window during nap time. While thinking, "Wouldn't it just be something if I broke his window? Curtis would die..." I hit the window with a shoe. Little did I know that I am Super Mom........

Friday, May 25, 2012
We live in a society of "Daddy Dumbies"
"Are you my Father?"
It seems that in so many aspects of my life where I am just getting to know people as coworkers, friends or even just acquaintices I always get the look of so called "pitty" followed by the "I know this may be rude" and my heart sinks. Why you may ask. Because I know the question that is to follow. The question that I have been asked on so many occasions, the question that I should never have to answers.
"So is Charli's Dad in her life."
Why of course he is. She sees her Daddy daily. He tucks her into bed at night, kisses her on the forehead, drops her off at school in the mornings and gives her the same unconditional love that her Mommy does.
But the point of the matter is the fact that our society thinks that it is acceptable to be so rude, so heartless and naïve. I can never in my life remember a moment when I thought it was okay to ask why someone was or not in their life, or where they are now. Can you imagine the pain if you were in the situation? Because any time it is asked, it is asked FULL of complete judgment.
What if this person had passed away? And your just looking at them with judgment because you're in a situation with a child that you think does not have a "Daddy." But I am here to explain to you that you are wrong.
"Building Strong Children is easier than fixing broken men."
When the time comes and I have a talk with our child about the moment that Curtis stepped up the plate and became her Daddy. She will understand, and she will love him even more for all of the unselfish love and moments that he has given her. This is our family, not yours, and especially not yours to judge. We may be different than you, but our love is stronger than it ever has been.
So the next time you have the moment of wonder and want to ask where someone is in a child's life. Think of how you would like the question to be asked if the tables were turned.
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” - Bob Marley

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Fashion to Figure Winner
I used to help pick the winner.
Congrats to....Just The Two of Us
Please email me at paigeleana (@) yahoo .com so I can get your info to their company! :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
There is nothing anymore hot than....

Monday, May 21, 2012
Mother's & Dedication Day!
Oh and the day that he started sitting up all by himself!
Sadly, no one brought in the cameras to church to take photos of his dedication and by the time we were leaving it was pouring rain and we were hot mess.
Being able to spend my first Mommy's day as a Mother of two children was such a blessing. I have never been so busy but loved it so much. :)
"If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart"

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Are you a Mom of a preemie or on bedrest?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
7 months!

Friday, May 11, 2012
Go Firecrackers!

At the first game Bryar Wayne had no idea what to think of all of the cheering and clapping. The first couple of times, he pouted out his lips and cried like someone had just pinched him. It was the saddest but funniest thing, ever. Thankfully, he got used to it and loved watching the ball around the field.
We do not keep score in their league - which I love. But these girls are doing awesome and hopefully they all will continue to love playing softball!

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Keep Calm & Mommy On
Bryar has been sleeping less and less lately. His tummy troubles are effecting his sleep more now than they ever have. At his Vandy appointment last week the Doctor informed us that he believes that the bleeding is from an irritation in his intestines from an antibiotic (even though he tested negative for C-diff in the weeks before.) He prescribed Bryar Zantac to try twice a day and after that we will probably cut out all dairy products to see if that helps any as well. But I am still just so confused because even though there is no bleeding, his diapers are gggross and his belly hurts after taking his new formula. I just wish it could all be figured out.
I suppose that I am spoiled with the fact that Charli Beth was formula fed and started sleeping through the night at 3 months. I know so many Mommys on twitter/blogs that there baby went well past the age of one before sleeping through the night. Which I am totally okay with, I can handle that, but what I
I made the decisions to get me to where I am in this very moment. I may not be as cute as I once "thought" I was and I may even look "old" now but I have a wonderful darn reason for these things. I may not get to sit down at home until I lay my head down to go to sleep for a few minutes, but I am blessed for the reason of having to run around like a walking zombie all day, because the Lord has blessed me.
Some days we may be worn out, or we may be exhausted and just look/feel all around terrible but we (I) must remember that these days do not last for long, they go by way to fast and the Lord simply will not put more on us than what we can handle.

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Last Minute Vandy Appointment
We thankfully have not dealt with any blood for almost two weeks, although we have been dealing with belly aches like no other since changing his supplemental formula to the food allergy type. Him and I have been walked this house the past several nights almost crying together. I really hope that we are able to find out some answers tomorrow. Even if it is the reassurance that it was an allergy, I feel that it is best to be safe rather than sorry when this happens again.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I miss it. I miss being able to sit down and relive these special moments that I spend with my family and be able to store them on a sight that I can one day "hopefully" be able to print off.
I know I have been a huge blogger failue to all of my "followers" and friends lately but I promise that I will be starting back up to post more often soon! I must get my groove together!